the power to see what any person i know is doing at anytime. not in a creepy watch them in the shower way, but i'm really curious as to how people act when i'm not there, and i feel it would give me a greater insight into their personality
DryMaster's forum posts
this topic needs more cowbell...
cartoon network... i have suddenly lost all respect for you this is the third strike
1. airing foster's home for imaginary friends, the grim adventures of billy and mandy andcamp lazloat midnight only, and hiding or removing all of the other awesome shows of that era and earlier
2. your pitiful edit of edit of total drama island/action/world tour. i love that show but that version is only about ten minutes long
3. and now this. i hope you're happy, this is why i won't watch you anymore
the classic song "tubthumping" by chumbawumba. if lyrics like "i get knocked down, but i get up again" don't help, then i don't know
personally i just hold it all in and have a bit of a breakdown every now and then. not the best idea, but hey...
"You're quiet, aren't you?" I've had people say this all my life and I still have no bloody idea how to respond to it.AirGuitarist87
duh. just stare at them without saying anything until they walk away. they asked for it really...
definately apples. granny smith for the win!
i haven't eaten an apple in more than a year because of my braces though...
great idea. until i finally exhaust the ds library, which is still a way off(four years so far and i haven't run out yet) or the 3ds gets some more must-have games, i won't be bothering.
I can't really blame them for considering not continueing a franchise if it isn't making theem money. at least they didn't announce a new game then change their mind like Capcom would.:P
still i was going to buy the game anyway, it's the only game i've really missed since i got rid of my 64(which i now kinda regret) because there hasn't been a decent enough sequel to replace it
It's a shame, but if it were going to be released this year it would definetly have a release date announced by now. Otherwise i would already have a 3ds
if something goes wrong i can turn the world off and turn it on again
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