doesn't really answer the unjust nature of heaven and hell. does the person B not truely live the way the lord wants him to? while person a beomes a true believer when he realizes his fate is upon him? who is to say person a doesn't truely believe in it, its such a subjective thing. how can you put a percentage on how much you truely believe something? what are the rates and percentages of belief that are required to get into heaven? 99%? 100%? what about 97.99% belief? do they not get in?
What you believe may and will vary, but quantifying belief itself? You can't quantify belief, either you believe or you dont. If you believe and repent, you should be safe I suppose. Less than belief is doubt, I dont think doubting will cut the cheese.so what about people from different types of christianity. some believe certain things about the bible, but doubt other things. some of them worship jesus, others worship god. so all those christians chose the wrong type and go to hell basically? to make the bible even worse, some people believe that only 144,000 people make it into heaven before its closed. I forgot the origins of that number, but some people believe it. so wtf, are we supposed to believe in the bible while only having a .00000000000000000000000001% chance of getting in? f that
First of all, those numbers are COMPLETELY wrong.
Being a Christian does mean thinking that where Christianity differs from other religions, Christianity is right and they are wrong. However, if you are a Christian you do not have to believe that all other religions are completely wrong. In fact, in most of the major religions there is some hint of truth. Think of it like a multiple choice math problem. There is only one right answer, and all the other answers are wrong. If you choose the wrong one you go to hell. However, in Christianity, it is not simply just a matter of choosing. It's devoting your character, your faith, your trust, and your hope in a God you cannot see. Now for most Christians and even people who are thinking about converting to being a Christian, this can get a bit scary. There is no scientific evidence that God exists and that he created the world, but that really isn't that surprising considering the scientific evidence, needs experiments, and we can't recreate the world. It's only through faith that we keep on going, and even that gets shaken quite a bit. Being a Christian is by all means not an easy life, it's an ongoing struggle, and a battle, to hold on to what we believe.
Hope I answered your questions a little bit. I might have gone off topic a little bit there, but I was just trying to add in some things about what it means to be a Christian.
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