Dead Space is doing the same thing that Resident Evil did and Silent Hill didn't. Yea horror is a tough sell that's why people like my parents who have never played video games know about Resident Evil but don't know what CoD is. I see so many CoD shirts at Hot Topic or Spencers opposed to Umbrella omg. Yea there's no money in horror :/
Arent the most famous characters of video game history women? Other than Mario and Luigi and Sonic and Liu Kang....Lara Croft? Jill Valentine? Ada Wong? Kitana? Jade? Heather Mason? Regina in Dino Crisis and Aya from Parasite Eve for some lesser known ones.
Alien Trilogy and Alien Resurrection scared the crap out of me on PS1. You're not overpowered in multiplayer...he failed to mention that. Any game is less scary on amateur and more scary on very hard difficulty especially horror games which is why I don't play dead space on normal or easy.
We all need to complain to 20th Century Fox and James Cameron so they can sue Gearbox and put them out of business. Tell 20th Century Fox that they're making one of their franchises look bad and I'm sure Fox has enough lawyers to bury Gearbox ^_^ and complain to James Cameron too.
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