Vanguards really good, don't believe the reviews, play it in a month or 2 when it's polished, I was in beta, it still needs work.Which new MMORPG to go with?
I cut my teeth on Everquest and played it for 6 years before it became too time consuming to continue. RL leaves me time to play in short spurts of 1 to 3 hours so I'm not looking to sit and wait for groups for an hour at a time but I do miss the interacting with live players part of gaming. One thing I don't want to have to deal with is EBayers who buy items and characters out of game and then ruin the in game experience. I don't think I want to get into WOW at this point as I'll be going up against a bunch lvl 60 players with all the toys. I play GW on and off but not real thrilled with it. I see D&D and Vanguard out there but am unsure whether they are worth it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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