I'm always on the lookout for new games to buy despite the fact that there is now a worringly large collection of games I've purchased and not really given a chance. Just to give you an idea of the situation this is my "To Do" list :-
Dreamcast : Bangai-o, Toy Commander, Iron Aces & Virtua Fighter 3tb.
PS2 : THUG 2, Ico, Space Channel 5 & GTA : San Andreas.
Xbox : Oddworld Strangers Wrath, Half Life 2, XIII, Fable : Lost Chapters, Max Payne 2, Red Dead Revolver, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden, Psi-Ops, Second Sight, Splinter Cell, True Crime LA, Crimson Sea, Black & Hitman : Contracts.
Gamecube : Wave Race, 1080 Avalanche, Sonic Mega Collection & Rocky.
As you can see it's startin to become a big problem as I'm buying new games faster than I can get the older ones out the way. I never used to have this problem but over the last few years since I've been working I've had a lot more money to spend on games but no time to play them!!! It was never a problem when I was younger cos it was a pretty special occasion I'd get a new game, like a birthday or Christmas so I would then have so much time dedicated to each game. Also I'm finding it harder and harder to motivate myself to play through a game that becomes to hard!! I just don't have the paitence to play the same section over and over again til I triumph anymore. To be fair though alot of the games in the above list I have got a fair way into only to give up or lose interest, whilst others I just keep going back and doing exactly the same level/section over like Sonic Mega Collection - Dam Dr Robotniks Mean Bean Machine I just can't get enough of that game especially multiplayer!!
On top of the games to do list I'm starting to get a DVD to do list!!! I know it's shocking but the same thing is happening, I've got about 5 DVD's still in their shrink wrap just begging to be watched but again I'm struggling to find the time to watch them!!!
So over the next week I'm gonna try my hardest to get through at least one of the games and a couple of the movies, after all Friday is payday which means come Saturday I'll be spending my hard earned cash on new games/DVD's that willprobably just gather dust on my shelf!!! I'll report back my progress, fingers crossed the week won't comprise of me watching movies I've already seen and playing Super Monkey Ball and Dr Robotniks Mean Bean Machine!!!Wish me Luck!!!!;)