i have both systems, a ps3 and 360. but in my honest opinion the 360 has better 1st person shooters. i think in terms of quality and replayablity, halo 3 pretty much dominates.
DudeFrmTheBronx's forum posts
oblivion game of the year edition, it has over 500 hours of gameplay. came out two years ago and i still actively play it and discover new things.
im getting my ps3 this weekend also, and the 1st game ima buy is MGS4, its a good game and great series i never met a person who isnt a fan
btw. i think the mods set up a special thread for asking "which game i should buy"
does metal gear solid 4 have an online mode? i think it does, but can someone explain me the type of modes and how it works?
&& lol 2008-2009 has been the year of the "4" Street Fighter "4" Left "4" Dead, GTA "4"
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