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#1 Duke_532
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

I'd like to try the multiplayer before I spend the points on it but overall I thought it was still enjoyable. It certainly isn't as good as SoTN but I think it could still be fun. That being said I don't think I am going to buy it for a while and wait and see if it gets a little cheaper or if there is a limited time deal on it.

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#2 Duke_532
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

Dead Space. I didn't play it until my brother bought it and I used his copy but I ended up loving it and am really looking forward to the second one.

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#3 Duke_532
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

My biggest question with that scenario would be the story, exactly how would they have made it work? I understand the story in this case wasn't quite as good as the original bioshock but the single player mode is still supposed to be based on a story just as much as interesting game play ideas. Essentially I think it would be pretty fun to play as a big sister but it wouldn't really make that much sense in terms of story in the bioshock universe. Obviously things would have been changed but I think this worked a little better overall.

Also it may have taken away from big sisters as enemies. I don't know how you felt exactly playing through the game, but I have beaten it on normal and hard and just didn't find big daddies to be the opposing foes that they were the first time around. Maybe my experiences from the first game changed my opinion but fighting against big sisters as a big daddy was at least a situation in which you knew you weren't quite as powerful as they were kind of along the lines of big daddies in the first game.

Overall I think bioshock 2 was a good game but it didn't quite pull me in the same way that the original did in terms of the story. The multiplayer mode is okay I guess but in the long run it won't be able to take me away from the other games I play on xbox live such as MW2 or Halo.

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#4 Duke_532
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

Casino is a great movie that has organized crime elements, if you have seen the departed you might want to check out the film that inspired it, I think it is called Infernal Affairs and I think it was from Japan. Also, contrary to what a previous poster said the first two godfather films are two of the best movies ever made. They may not have the most action especially compared to todays standards, the plot, acting and themes of the decay of Michael Corleone is done better in those two films than any movie done since.

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#5 Duke_532
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

Dead Space on the 360 is a great game, but last gen games I really enjoyed The Suffering though it was more action than survival.

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#6 Duke_532
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

I would love for a new Soul Reaver game to be made or even just a game with Kain. The original Soul Reaver is one of my favorite games of all time, I loved the story and the characters. Blood Omen 2 was pretty disappointing however, and the last game, Defiance, wasn't as good as I thought it could have been. But if they fixed a few problems that game had and finish the story I would buy it the day it came out.

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#7 Duke_532
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

I've had a 360 for a while now and most of the games I own are multiplayer focused, like Halo or Modern Warfare but I have been looking for a game with a really good single player mode and story. I've played Dead Space and Bioshock and enjoyed both and was wondering if you guys could recommend any others. I don't really care for RPGs though so something like Fallout or Fable 2, both of which I did try to play would be out. Thanks.