Yep, for every level you gain you earn a skill point that you can put towards various skills, weapons and gadgets.
DunhamSmash's forum posts
Kojima told me years ago that he really wanted to make it, but was entirely consumed with MGS4 first. Obviously, since then he has added some more projects to the table; but was genuine in his desire to return to the franchise; I wouldn't count it out.
I say "buy it." It was one of my favorite games of last year and even if you skip the DLC, it has strong replay value,
Don't forget -- once you've chosen your PMC, you'll need to decide what kind of career path you'll take too. You can mix and match your skills or pick ones that send you on your way to specialization (Sniper, Rapid Assault, Direct Action, Field Support and Commando).
Glad to see you guys taking interest in the game.
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