Here are my contributions:
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow
The online gameplay will surprise even the most jaded gamers. I know I was. The controls were hard to get used to (aiming with the face buttons. Ugh.), but in the end they did not hurt the gameplay too much. Just be prepared to get tired of grenades. Quickly.
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
I had low expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. The online play is solid, with in-game customization allowing you to take whatever equipment you want. I favor a jump pack with wrist rockets, ala Boba Fett. The online play is fluid, even on some of the worst connections. It even has heroes and good space battles. Far better than its predecessor.
Worms Open Warfare 2
A solid standby. Pretty average in all categories. Personally it was a little slow, but online play was still entertaining.
That's what I have to say. Hope these help!
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