This is gonna be a fairly lenghthy blog, but by now, your probably use to these.
Anyway, I went to Toy's'R'Us, basically the only store I go to in the whole city that get's NTSC Wii games for good prices.
What I got:
I was gonna also buy Kirby Super Star Ultra, but I remembered Squek Squad and I decided not to get it, and If I did, I would've paid 150$ for all these and that's A LOT of money, and I was hoping I would find de Blob with WarioLand, but I didn't so I got a game I was planning to get a Long time ago.
Impressions, I'll tell you what I think of Trauma Center Under The Knife 2, this isn't a review, I'll just tell you what I mainly think about it.
Let's start, as you guys probably know, Trauma Center is a Surgeory Sim that is actually fun and in the same time deliver's that "what am supposed to do" feeling that's make it seem like your doing real operations.
Now the game is very fun and all, but the difficulty of this game will drive you CRAZY, I'll review you it when I finish it or... I have a good 3 or 4 hours in the game, right now, I have about an hour and a half and it's getting very challenging.
And while playing it, I just wished I had a DS lite, but god, I am not use to this tiny DS phat stylus, even after 3 years.
Now, for the quick movie review
Star Wars The Clone Wars, I had read all types of review's of this movie and most of them kept bashing the movie and I agree, it wasn't a good movie, but people don't understand that It was made for kid's to watch and enjoy and than go to a toy store and buy the toy's, it's obvious Lucas doesn't care about the hardcore fan's.
I'll admit, the dialogue was terrible, but the kid's were eating it up, and the movie was made for KID's, not you might say that Pixar make's movie's like this every year and they manage to enterain all audience's, well this isn't Pixar.
Now me personally, the only problem's I had with the movie was the dialogue, The CGI effect's weren't that good, now I'll admit, the dialogue it terrible, I don't see how I kid can like it, but If the CGI in this is the exactly like the CGI for the upcoming show based on it, than I wouldn't think it's bad, actually It'll be really good for a cartoon.
The first part wasn't as good, the second part of the movie felt good, but the problem is that they didn't do a whole lot of character development, it was all these random people fight with lot's of lightsaber clashing sound's.
But It's pretty obvious, they just want to sell the toy's and advertise the upcoming show, now I consider this a pilot for the show, it's a 90 minute pilot, I'm annoyed that I wasted my mom's money watching this when honestly something like this should just be shown on TV.
so for that, I give this movie a 4/10
If i watched this on TV, a 7/10, They should just work on the dialogue and do some character development and I think I would watch the show myself, avoid it if your a hardcore fan of the movie's, because you will be mad, and I think the only reason I'm not destroying it here in this review is because I never watched the movie's.