Yes people.... in 12 days, I'll be 15 :), wanna know why I'm happy? because my birthday is 12 days away, well...yeah, but I'm really happy because if you've realised, lately I've just been making like monthly blogs, but that's not really because I've been busy, It's really just because I have nothing to talk about, but now I do, because in the past month a lot of Wii and DS, just let me give you an idea what I'm hopefully going to get on my birthday
Madworld: I want this 100 percent want this looks amazing, sure it got a 7.5, but I don'tknow, It seems really fun.
Pokemon Platinum: I love Pokemon... when I got Pearl version I got like 15 hours on the game in like 5 days and It wasa school week, I can really get addicted to Pokemon, so yes...I'm getting this
Dead Rising Chop Till you Drop: I'm 50/50 on this, I mean the reviews are mixed s I'm not sure, but this just looks soo fun, but I don't know, I don't want to use up all my birthday money on games... so I don't know there's a big chance I'm not getting it'.
GTA Chinatown Wars: I saw my cousin playing itI dont know... I meanit got a 9.5... but from the gameplay videos, It doesn't look like something I'd enjoy, I never like to progress in GTA, I just like to beat up people and run away from the cops, I admit it, so I might not get it.
House of The Dead: Overkill: 50/50 on this.... I might get it, but I don't think so.