If you've read my last blog I said that I'll be doing thing's like rant's in my next blog's and this is a rant I've been thinking about doing for some time, thing's that are rushed, anything can be rushed, Movie's, Book's, Video game's anything, and I'll rant about the people who want thing's rushed.
First, I'll start with Video Game's, Games can never be rushed, the developers need to take they're time, and I don't think they should have "deadline's" because having a dead line make's the developer's rush the game, I'm not saying they should spend 5 year's on making one game, I mean they should atleast work on the game, make sure it doesn't suck, because if a game doesn't make money... well, the developer's wasted they're time and they're money for no reason.
This happen's to be a big problem with Wii game's nowaday's, a perfect example of a game that has been rushed is Sonic The Hedgehog on the PS3/360, Sonic fan's consider it the worse Sonic game of all time and the game had lost a lot of fan's of the series, now the reason that happend is because they didn't work on the game properly, they weren't taking there time with the game, and that's the problem with Movie-based game, it seem's like people who make movie-based game's spend about 3 month's on the game and just throw it out when the movie come's out, so the people who enjoyed the movie, buy the game.
Now this isn't entirely the developer's fault, some time's it's the fan's fault, Fan's just keep demanding and demanding that a certain game come's out soon, and when the developer's release's the game and it turn's out to be a bad game, the fan's get mad and keep whining about it.
The Same thing happens with Movie's, The studio that is funding the movie give's the director a deadline and the director rush's the movie, I explained to you how it happen's and now I'll give you a PERFECT example of a rushed movie.
Yes, Pirates of The Carribean: At World's End, The sequel to the first movie that came out in 2003 came out in 2006, and when did this come out, RIGHT after the second movie, I think they spent less than a year making this, and it's not that it's a bad movie, it's an ok movie, but not as great as the first two.
Sometime's it's not a problem with the amount of time spent making it, Spider-Man 3 was rushed, everyone who watched the movie can agree with me, that it was rushed, They had 3 villian's but none of them really had much on-screen time nor did they have any character development, now a fourth movie is being made and I hope it doesn't have the same problem's, and I'm sure once the first trailer is out, the fan's will keep demanding that it come's out sooner.
I'll end this blog now, since you probably get my point, but I'll just add one more thing.
A prequel to the Lord of The Rings trilogy is coming out in 2009, It's called "The Hobbit", and I'm pretty sure ONCE some information about the movie is released, the rushing will begin.