This is my first Monthly blog, I want make it a weekly blog, so I can keep track and even though since school started, I won't have that much to tell you, I'll do it, anyway, this month has been VERY slow it term's of gaming.
Game Progress:
Progress: Beat Boss battles with half of the character roster.
Progress: Fourth Playthrough, I'm a 4rth Ranked Assasin.
Progress: I've been playing a lot of random WiFi matches
Progress: First Playthrough, Not really sure, but I have about 2 hours in it.
None (I'm sorry, I just didn't go out a lot this month, because school and so on and not a lot of games I wanted have come out until the end of September, but I'll be getting some in october )
DVDs: + Batman Returns, Top Gun, Zoolander, Sleepy Hollow.
I'm sorry I couldn't find picture's of all the films I got on DVD this month, not a lot, but some fantastic ones.
Batman: It's was a fine film, but in my opinion, not as great as Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.
Batman Returns: It's an okay movie, in my opinion they villian's in this movie were better than the villian in the original Batman, because I just think Jack Nicholson didn't portray the Joker the way he was supposed to be portrayed, but It was 1989, so I still give him credit for trying.
Hot Fuzz: Great movie!!, one the best films I've seen that came out in 2007, honestly, it was awesome, I love it.
Shaun of The Dead: I don't know if I like it more than Hot Fuzz, but still this is an awesome film I reccomend it.
Top Gun: Great movie, It's probably the best Tom Cruise film I have ever seen, and the reason I like it is because of the music, and I like when movie have music that goes really well with movie scene's, it's probably why I love Rocky so much.
Zoolander: It wasn't that good of a movie, it was fine, It was definetly worth the money I paid for it, it was really cheap.
Sleepy Hollow: Great movie, I loved it soo much.
With this, I guess I'll end this blog now, and I still havent decided if it should be a weekly blog.