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Top 20 Favorite Movies (15-4)

I wanted to make this a four-part blog, but I changed my mind, making it a 3 part blog is a better idea.

15. -

Honestly, in this list, I didn't really want to have a lot of comic-book movies and such, but I can't lie to myself, I LOVE Comic Book movies, when I go to the theater to watch the movie I'm excited, when I'm leaving the theater i'm excited and when I'm watching the movie, I sure am excited :) and I can't wait for it's sequel in 2010.

14. -

When I originally decided to make this list, I said to myself that I'll say that I like Iron man more than the original Spider-Man, but that would've been a lie, because Spider-Man has a special place in my heart since it was the first comic book movie that I watched and actually the first DVD I ever got, I remember a scene from the movie that scared the heck out of me, when Norman Osborn first became The Green Goblin..that scared the heck out me.

13. -

Home Alone, I'm pretty sure most of us saw the movie when we were young, I watched it in the late 90's over and over again and a couple of months ago I got the DVD and I watched it and I love it I guess, It's just a ****c, the sequel to it is great, although the the original is better in my opinion.

12. -

The Mummy, a great movie, some people say that it's an Indiana Jones rip-off, I don't think so, this movie is awesome, Brendan Fraiser is great, even though the latest Mummy movie was just a CGI-fest in my opinion, this movie is way better, the humor in this movie works, and it doesn't take it self to seriously which is why I love it.

11. -

Such a ****c film, I find this movie more epic and amazing than scary, although it does have those momments when your scared out of your mind, I'll admit, I might've developed a phobia for sharks after I watched the movie, I mean if I watch the movie while I'm on a ship in the middle of the ocean, I'll be scared, anyway, It's a Steven Spielberg ****c, if you havent watched it yet, than I suggest you just go and watch, It's a great movie.

10. -

I couldn't decide what I like more this or Jaws, so I just decided to put this instead of Jaws, Jaws is a ****c, but the excitement of going and watching the movie made me like it more, before watching the movie I was starving, while I was watching it I forgot that I was starving, that's how good the movie is, and I reccomend... there's no point in reccomending this movie, I'm pretty sure most of you watched it.

9. -

I'm sorry the picture is the boxart of the UMD version of the film, I couldn't find a picture of the poster, anyway, My mom got me the VHS of this movie probably in 1998 0r 99, anyway, when I watched it, I couldn't believe my eyes, seriously I had never experinced, best thing Pixar ever made, the only movie that I think can be compared to this is Finding Nemo another Pixar movie, but other than that, this is the best animated movie in my opinion.

8. -

The tag line of this movie is "The Fastest Hands In The East Meet The Biggest Mouth In The West." probably one of the best tag line's I have ever read, because it is so true, Jackie Chan has been know to make great movies, but we finally discovered Chris Tucker in this movie, to anyone who hasn't watched it, watch it, It's an amazing movie, I just hope ONE day I can find the DVD, and I'm really sad that Jackie Chan decided not to make a 4rth movie, I know if they make a fourth one they'd be milking it, but seriously the 3rd one wasn't that bad.

7. -

Great movie!, It's was an adventure that was so exiting I was enjoying myself a lot the first time I saw this movie (2 years ago), when I first saw the cover, I wasn't really interested, but thank god I watched this awesome Spielberg ****c, It's the best Spielberg movie in my opinion.

6. -

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, this is one of those cases where I like the sequel more than the original, anyway, for almost 5 years now I've had this tradition, where I watch a Harry Potter film the last day of school, it just adds to the excitement and happiness of finishing school, I reccomend the entire Harry Potter Book and Movie series to anyone who loves fiction.

5. -

These days I never expect Disney to make a live action film that is good, and it's hard to believe that they made The Pirates of The Carribean series, the movie has a great cast, the awesome Johnney Depp, The..well I don't like him that much, but he was great in the movie (Orlando Bloom) and the beautiful Kiera Knightley, anyway this movie has humor and some pretty cool action scene's and it's about Pirates, what more could a person want, although I'm not that happy about the third movie, because it was rushed, but I still liked it I mean, I went home jumping on couch's and bed's while humming the Pirates of The Carribean theme.

4. -

Ok, honestly, I'll admit it, I like the last four movies equally, all of them have a certain charm, so don't want anyone telling me that I like Rocky 3 more than Raider of The Lost Ark ok? anyway, the whole story of this movie is very good, when I first watched it, I had watched Rocky II and than Rocky III, I didn't even take a 1 minute break, I just swapped the disc's because I was so exited and when I talk about this movie I just feel like going over to my DVD collection, and pulling the movie out to watch it, and Mr. T probably played on of the most unlikable character in movie history, but since he convinced me that I supposed to not like him, mean that's he delivered a great performance.

See you on the next part :), I don't know when to post it, it might be today or tommorow, I don't know.