Well we are almost there, almost knowing who wins the most prestigeous award a game can win. The only real contenders at this point are Halo 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Half Life 2. Lets Analyze this.
Halo 2 (My pick) - Of all of these games, Halo 2 is considered to be the most famous and the most popular, selling over 11 million copies in 2 weeks, and 2.5 million in presales. Its the best reviewed, best selling and most popular videogame of all time. That being said, theres speculation over Halo 2. Since the plot was kept such a secret, the result was that the hype ended up being to much for the game's short and somewhat disapoingting campaign to live up to. Despite the disapointment from gamers, the campaign is only half the game. The multiplayer and xbox live connectablility, which was the only thing that people really knew about initially, roke out and became the bigest success of the franchise. Within a single day, Halo 2 was already the most popular online game ever, with 2 billion people playing it on xbox live all across the globe. The multiplayer featured fast, classic Halo action that even went into a completely new and near flawless matchmaking online system. This new technology has already changed the way online games are played. Sadly, not everyone has xbox live, and without it, you are missing out on what Halo 2 really got right, and why it should be this years GOTY pick.
GTA: SA - GTA is a best selling series, and although its no where near Halo 2 in sales, its made a solid name for itself in the gaming world. GTA SA is the 5th game in the GTA series, and although its a blast to play, it relies a bit to heavily on its predecessors to make it work. Thats not necesarily a bad thing, but it was also true with GTA Vice City. GTA SA trys to sell itself by adding in numerous side quests, mini games and assorted other goodies that add gameplay. However, your overall expereince will still be enjoyed mostly through playing in the streets. You get to play as a california gangster in 5 unique and somewhat similar cities across what looks to be California. This new and more ghetto theme fits the GTA series like a glove, despite being somewhat controversial. In the end however, you will probably begin to see that although enjoyable, GTA SA is a clone of GTA 3 with a few touch ups, but not even a conmetic lift. This is a great game, but for a 5th in the series, it looks and plays too much like the past 2 instalments, time to upgrade the graphics, sound and maybe do something outrageous with the gameplay.
Half Life 2 - Of all the PC games this year, this is numero uno, and its not hard to see why at just a glance. Half Life 2 has the best graphics and sound of any game this year, or ever for that matter. It makes it easy to see how clones of Half Life were pratically their own genre of games at one time. Half Life 2's true greatness lies in the gameplay, and why? because its flawless, theres just nothing wrong with it. So why doesnt it win over Halo 2? easy, replay value in Half Life 2 = 0. Even if you got CS Source wiht HL2, it doesnt count as HL2 for replay value, tough. HL2 puts out a spectacular campaign with brillant AI and mind numbing graphics, but once the short lived campaign is over, thats it. The recently added deathmatch maps for online are pretty good, but still nothing to kill for. The real HL 2 experience is played alone in the campaign, and after its over, you will want mroe, and find nothing. I was crushed when I discoverd that my time with HL2 was over, becuase I knew that I was probably never going to play it again, it just couldnt hold me anymore. Close, very close, but Halo 2's multiplayer and online smoked HL 2 for good.
MGS 3 - O how I love thee MGS 3. Easlily winning over SC2 as the best steath action game around, MGS3 features awesome levels with brilliant detail, incredible sound and flawless control. Theres little more I can say besides that if this game had a multiplayer, Halo 2 would be in trouble. The campaign is flawless and I mean flawless. No problems, few glitches and nothing that really disturbs the gameplay. Replay value is hurt becuase theres no multiplayer, therefore it falls just shy of Halo 2. If the put in a SC 2 esque multiplayer online type system with MGS3, look out world.