[QUOTE="E2ESQUARE"][QUOTE="Alunanite"][QUOTE="goblaa"][QUOTE="Alunanite"]Says the Lemming who had his console mowed over in E3.Alunanite
Huh? MS came out swingin' at E3. They did great.
They did better than the PS3 (because Sony basically took a shotgun and shot themselves in the foot.... 8 times.) MS didn't approach the after-E3 hype that the Wii maintained. They just didnt screw up.
uhhh........I cant take you seriously. MS had either the best or tied for best presentation at E3, EGM, IGN and 1UP rated their E3 shows and keynote #1 overall out of all 3 major companies. The Halo 3 video was downloaded on Xbox Live over 2 million times in the first 24 hours and MS put over 30 pieces of content on the marketplace over 3 days.........if thats not a victory then by god, Nintendo got crushed.
It wasnt victory. No one was talking about the 360 after the E3. It did good, it had games, but the fact is, millions more were crushing Sony and talking about the Wii, then predicted Halo 3 trailer.
so you are basing your entire opinion based on the selective things you have seen and heard in videogame forums with videogame hardcores over the past 6 months? ANd you think thats an accurate representation of the 150 million console consumers? You are insane
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