Duke Nukem Forever One Liners. I like when he said kids now take ur pills lol he meant steroids oops i meant vitamins and one day u'll be as awesome as me kid. duke nukem took place in las vega's check out the real life picture of desert near las vegas lol duke nukem forever desert looks pretty damn close like hills or even cactus lol
i could of improved DNF multiplayer greatly. Add underwater sections to the multiplayer there are none with the current maps. Add monster truck to the multiplayer. Add door's you can open and close like duke3d multiplayer current maps NONE. Add feature so you can pick stuff up and throw it like the single player and add physics to multiplayer. those are just a few.
They have a bunch of cool area's of single player maps that would of been badass for online deathmatch. .piranha studios did the multiplayer maps that's why they sucked DAMN THEM, they just made the maps like quake 3 arena maps.
killzone3 and halo reach jetpacks fly around for 5 seconds, while DNF fly around for like 50 seconds LOL. i just think the multiplayer maps could of been better on duke nukem forever it's just 3drealms didnt make them that's why they suck they're too small and not enough interactive stuff compared to duke3d.
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