Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler ***3/4
Unified Tag Team Title Match: McIntyre (C) & Rhodes (C) vs. Nexus **1/2
Goldust vs. Ted DiBiase **
Diva's Title Match: Natalya vs. Layla (C) *1/2
Buried Alive Match for the World Heavyweight Title: Kane (C) vs. The Undertaker ***
Smackdown vs. Raw 7 on 7 Elimination Tag Match **3/4
WWE Championship: Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton (C) **1/2
The opener was very good and the Buried Alive Match was interesting. I couldn't get into the Smackdown vs. Raw 7 on 7 match. Last years Bragging Rights was a really enjoyable show and the concept of Smackdown vs. Raw was fresh. I don't understand why Orton vs. Barrett was the main event; it was a horrible way to end the show. This show fell flat and if it wasn't for Bryan vs. Ziggler this pay-per-view would have been even worse.
Overall Score: 5/10