United States Title Match: John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler (C) ***1/4
Divas Championship Match: Eve vs. Beth Phoenix (C) **
Team Barrett vs. Team Orton **3/4
World Heavyweight Championship: Big Show vs. Mark Henry (C) **1/2
WWE Title Match: C.M. Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio ***1/2
The Rock & John Cena vs. The Miz & R-Truth ***3/4
Opener was good, Zach Ryder's pop after the match was great. This was an entertaining way to open the show. Divas match wasn't good, but the ending was great. Rock promo was pretty good. Then we got the traditional Survivor Series match which was okay. The Sin Cara botch hurt the match as it took awhile for the match to pickup again. Some of the eliminations could have been better, but overall they weren't too bad. Barrett and Rhodes were the last two men left after Barrett hit Orton with the Wasteland. Show vs. Henry was good, but the ending was bad. Big Show with a top rope elbow drop was great. R-Truth's promo after the match was entertaining. Punk vs. Del Rio was good as the crowd was really into the match. The Rock did not disappoint as he looked great. Match was very entertaining, and it helped build the Wrestlemania match between The Rock & John Cena. Pretty entertaining event, as nothing on the show was bad.
Overall Score 7.5/10