Not only should you buy it, but you should buy two.
EEKman71's forum posts
[QUOTE="Rocky32189"]AAA is a very good game, while a perfect score is only given to the best games of all timeRocky32189
Regardless, it's all down to personal opinion, however, discrediting famitsu scores just because they gave a popular japan title is ridiculous, because every perfect there scores very well over here.
My point still stands. How do I know if Monster Hunter 3 is as ground breaking as Ocarina of Time or it's simply a good (yet flawed) game like Nintendogs? You can't honestly believe that both these games are in the same league, do you? Yet, according Famitsu they are equal.
I don't discredit them just because all their perfect scores are given to titles that sell well and are popular among Japanese gamers. But it certainly seems like it's more than just a coincidence.
So the review LOSES credibility because the game its calling "perfect" also happens to be insanely popular? Could it be that perfect games also tend to be popular because you know, they are perfect and all?
I wouldnt call 11 games getting a perfect rating over the life of the publication excessive. Id go so far to say that there have been more than 11 popular games since famitsu began. Im just gonna say its a good time to be a gamer.
MHFU is in my top 3 games of all time next to games like Starcraft and Planescape:Torment. Its mind bogglingly awesome and its a friggin psp game. Now famitsu gives MH3 a 40/40? No-brainer. Done. How much convincing do you need to drop 40 bucks anyway?
Hopefully they will keep the series on PSP and keep making them. It can only grow as people discover it. Im hopelessely addicted to the game.
Alli play is MHFU so PSP.
Depends on where you do most of your gaming i guess. I cant sit in one spot at home for very long and Im always out, so PSP for me. Id never find time to use a PS3
I did it with a hammer. Once you figure out how to dodge the burrow attack everytime they become easier. It wasnt easy though.
MHFU is honestly in my top 3 games of all time. It was slow at the beginning, I had some trepidations at first and definately some frustrating times, As others have said however, somewhere around the 15-20 hour mark something clicked. It happened after i killed khezu and i understood how armor worked.
Now it boggles my mind how deep it is. Its one of those games that knows its going to kick your ass and its not ashamed of it. Its designed around frustration and heartache. You can repeat any mission and the farm is there for you to blow off steam after a crushing defeat. Once you do beat the blubbery beasty after 15 tries the victory is super sweet. There arent many games where ive often jumped out of my seat screaming YES!!! AWESOME!!!. ( i actually broke a pair of headphones doing this) Its the desire to overcome the impossible that makes the ultimate victory so satisfying.
It is a niche game, you are required to dedicate your full attention to it while playing, if you do, the rewards are there. If yourea casual gamer steer clear.
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