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The Two State vs. The One State Solution

In the intense state of affairs that is called the Israel-Palestine conflict two solutions exist; merge Israel and Palestine into one state, or have Palestine be given statehood and Israel remains a sovereign nation. Either option might sound acceptable or disagreeable to respective parties, but only one is the logical, fair, and satisfying course of action.

The Two State solution: the problems

· Palestine will most likely turn into another terrorist state

· Palestine will not be able to take advantage of Israel's superior technological and economical position

· Israel will suffer more rocket and terrorist attacks if Hamas and other like-minded groups remain in power

· The state of affairs could turn into a "West Berlin vs. East Berlin" issue. If Palestine does not advance economically then Palestinians will jump ship to Israel

The One State solution: the problems

· Jews will be a minority in a hostile state; therefore their political abilities will be diminished or completely done away with.

· The government will turn into a Islamic government hostile to foreign religions, due to the fact that Muslims will have the majority

· Persecution of Jews may perhaps initiate since Arab hostility towards Jews is at a high

· The economical and technological advancements of Israel, now part of the new state, would stagnant.

The Two State solution: the benefits

· Everyone gets what they want: the Palestinians obtain statehood and Israel still has the right to exist

· Jews and Arabs will both hold political and religious rights in their respective countries

· A place of refuge for the Jewish people will still endure, and the Palestinians can stop wandering the Middle East and being treated poorly by Arab leaders

· Persecution of Jews will not occur as long as the nation of Israel subsists

The One State solution: the benefits

· Palestinians would take part in the success of Israel's advancements and wealth of opportunity

· Palestinians might learn from Jewish ingenuity

· Other Arab-Muslim countries would end their complaining of Israel and Jews

· They might all just coexist

"They might all just coexist?" That is a far cry from what will ensue if the one state solution becomes reality. A growing and fierce hatred and opposition of Jews abounds in the Middle East. Why does one wonder why they want Israel off the map? It is due to the fact that many over there despise the Jewish people; when they overthrow a dictator the first insult they call him is a Jew.

In addition, a one state solution is not what both parties need. The Palestinians need to stop being spoon fed by the World Community and begin taking charge of their own lives; stop complaining, whining and blaming others for their mistakes. Furthermore, Palestinians need to throw off the terrorist government and the radical Islamic government as well as creating a fair, balanced secular government with rights for all. Finally, the Jewish people need a safe and secure homeland.

God bless the Jewish people

God bless Israel


P.S. give me your opinion on what solution you deem superior, thanks!