@CTBradums: i heard from alpha testers that this is basically what they played that doesnt give me hope. this is not a AAA $60 title more like 19.99 early access status
@xhawk27: open racer not sim no matter what you do to the setting its forza built ground up 4 controllers lol i mean jeeps willy is OP cmon its arcade fun, Dirt is in another catergory . that being said FH3 has some of the best graphics on x1x, and like was mentioned graphics takes aback seat to road feel and ffb in sim type games that is why there are plenty of people playing RBR which is 13 years old some say still the GOAT
@topgun182, just talking ffb and physics u think forza is better than lfs on a wheel? forza still doesnt do self aligning torque right, is made ground up for controllers(i understand its their $ base),and the ffb dull, i mean most guys i talk 2 play with wouldnt even put any forza in the sim category (iracing,rfactor2,AC,PC,Richard burns,Dirt Rally etc)but to each his own.
why is she healing armor doesnt heal bad character development, if that is the case torb should heal and lucio sound barrier. i wwas hoping 4 more creativity but with soo mmany i guess me not liking the last 2 doesnt matter
@topgun182: i wouldnt call gt a sim, really if you only race on console you just now got a glimpse with AC and PC, if you play with a controller and the game (sim) caters to controller users its not a proper sim . like trying to play a flight sim w/o a flight stiick. old live for speed on pc is still better than GT or forza for ffb and physics. this game is dope though better than the crew.
@timmyp1982: 30 fps in a shooter is slow you can tell when you turn fast . racing games also 30 sucks and is visible the 'blur' when panning. that being said we need x1x reviews of this how does it look/run
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