My current Pokemon Diamond Team
Lugia lvl: 70
Regigas lvl: 70
Palkia lvl: 100
Dialga lvl: 100
Giratina lvl: 70
Blaziken lvl: 100
My current Pokemon Diamond Team
Lugia lvl: 70
Regigas lvl: 70
Palkia lvl: 100
Dialga lvl: 100
Giratina lvl: 70
Blaziken lvl: 100
Thank You For Accepting Me (Ryoko Side)
Thank You For Accepting Me
Thank you for accepting my nerdiness, my otakuness,
the way i talk, the way i walk
the i eat, sleep, and dream,
my craziness, my ambitions, my life, my legacy,
the way i live, my studies, my dreams,
thanks for the love, and the tormenting, the broken dreams,
the broken heart, the horrible feelings, the beatings,
the help, and your heart,
thank you for making me the way i am,
thank you for the this hell you have made in my life,
thank you for building me up and tearing me down,
thank you for making me laugh and driving me crazy,
thank you for bringing me to life and kill me softly
thank you for this heaven you have created
Thank you for accepting me the way i am
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