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Completing games, buying more games and the watchmen.

I haven't blogged on here for a while, in my own lackadaisical way i have been quite busy. My job as an apprentice comms tech/tea maker has started to resemble something like a proper job (i've started installing the radios in ambulances), my social life has experienced a lazarus like reanimation and I've had video games to complete.

I won't talk about the job, it even bores me to think about it so i can't imagine that anyone else would want to read about it, so... on to the interesting stuff...

About 10 minutes ago i completed bioshock, it's a game that i have been threatening to complete for a few months now so i've dedicated the last couple of free nights to getting stuck into it. I was a little bit let down by the 30 second fmv ending but satisfied with the 100G achievement points for killing the boss at the end. The game (as i'd imagine you gaming connaisseurs know) is brilliant. I think that the game design, with the art deco-steam punk imagery is a stroke of genius and, alongside the Half-life series, will be the point of comparison in my mind whenever i play a new sci-fi fps. The game is by no means perfect; i think that the controls could be a little less loose and i was a little bit disappointed that Take 2 resorted to a large number of 'go fetch this item' style missions in the final quarter of the game but after completing this game i am getting very excited about the sequel coming out.

Talking of sequels.. I've recently bought Far Cry Predator and i hope to complete that before having a go at the follow up. FC2 intrigues me a little and i know that the first game has very little to do with the sequel but i am a freak and i have to play original games before getting into the newer ones (unless they are ultra rare or 20 year old, 8 bit snooze-athons). Because of this ingrained stubborn streak i have yet to play Fable 2 (bought fable 1, played it for a day, got very, very bored).

I've also completed Guitar Hero: World Tour but i would not say that Slash has got anything to worry about at the moment. Guitar Hero has scared me a little because A, I became very obsessed with it and B, I have now grown more tolerant of Bon Jovi. Tolerent being the key word. If i saw Mr Jovi on the street i would no longer feel the need to spit on him, I can now here 'Livin on a prayer' without gritting my teeth and purposefully blacking out for 4 minutes. I heard it on the radio in the garage today and immediately started thinking of GH...

I went to Blackpool over the weekend to watch Elbow (the 6th time that i've seen the miserable indie-popsters and they keep getting better!) with the missus. To test my own willpower i vowed to myself that i would not drag Dawn into an arcade (we didn't) and that I would let her drag me around Primark (fortunately we didn't!). My internet connection has been a little bit ropey of late so it has been a perfect excuse to get stuck into some story based games, I've found that since i've had Xbox Live i've always reached for COD even when i've had a stack of shiny new games to get into.

The next games on my list to play more (and beat like a ginger step-child) are:


Halo 1,


Left4Dead (still have to complete loads of campaigns and i still haven't tried the vs multiplayer yet!)

Dragon Quest IV (i'm 2/3 of the way through it but i'm on a boring story line now) and once i finish DQIV i'm gonna get started on DQV (which i'm very excited about) and after that Chrono Trigger!

So yeah, that's quite a lot of games, not even mentioning Just Cause, Far Cry, Street Fighter IV, PGR4 and the sega mega drive collection.

And then there's Resident Evil 5!

On a final note, I watched the Watchmen over the weekend. I'm not sure what to think about it. I don't really believe that it needed to be made into a film, and Snyder did action it up a bit (I never imagined Rorschach being able to do Matrix style Kung-Fu) and there was some questionable scenes involving the night owl and the silk spectre to the tune of Hallelujah... Rorshach was as awesome as i'd been hoping for though and each actor was perfectlycast, maybe with the exception of Ozymandias. Anyway, watch the film, shuffle about awkwardly during the naff sex scenes and enjoythe film; it's an interesting curiosity if you have read the series and if you haven't it is a great introduction to one of the greatest stories ever told (erm... not the bible).
