I would like to buy the GTA DLC on XBL but i'm 210 points short... I'm considering buying one of those emailed vouchers on ebay but it looks like they have raised the prices to more than on Amazon in a cunning ploy to rip off the already slightly ripped off GTA IV owners. With this in mind i am facing a dilema... do i buy a 4200, 2100 or 1000 points card? I do enjoy XBLA games, I own portal, braid, tetris splash and street fighter so i would not be adverse to buying some more games but i'm running out of inspiration as to what else to buy, any help people?
I've also procured Dragon Quest V!!! at last. Now all i have to do is complete IV and i can get cracking.
Despite my depressing whinge about games a few blogs back i seem to have found a renewed love for my noisy, shiny white box, at least for now...