I have finished work for 12 blessed days! To celebrate this fact I have decided to have a drink, I very rarely drink anymore, the hangovers last all day (I'm old!) and it makes me lose more on Call Of Duty, it is enjoyable however to shoot down sweary american teenagers with a dash of drunken Oscar Wilde-esque wit e.g. "I know you are, but what am I?" ha, gets them every time.
Anyway, here I am, I have reached level 10, a feat that I did not expect to accomplish due to my short attention span when it comes to blogs and such things. I'm trying my hardest to write blog entries that transcend the usual "I've bought game X today, woo" but sometimes my reservoir of ideas can run dry.
I've bought Tetris Evolution today, woo.
I haven't played it yet, although I don't think that i'm set for many surprises, Tetris is Tetris after all and as long as I can sate some of my OCDness with some orderly, russian themed fun I will be a happy, yet slightly twitchy man.
Most of my time lately has been absorbed by Call of Duty WaW and Modern Warfare, I've decided to complete then on Veteran, this is a satisfying yet extremely frustrating process, especially when the game has a habit of respawning me in a position that generally leads to immediate death. I have given up trying to destroy every TV on that studio level of COD, it is simply impossible (well it is for a man that refuses to count every TV in the bloody level). Another equal segment of my life has been taken up by Resident Evil 5, I have written enough on that game for now but I suspect that I will go on about it again once I complete it.
I have been geeky clothes shopping lately and in a blatant attempt to receive comments (to massage my deflated ego) I shall now link pictures of said apparel...
oh yes, now when I walk past games workshop those kids will respect me dammit!
T-shirt number 2...
And finally....
I like them all and will hopefully be receiving them in a week or so.
That is all.