I've just completed Mirror's Edge and written my first review of it, I implore you all to read it, praise my brilliance and then buy the game (or at least rent it).
So now I have a number of games to consider jumping into:
Prince of Persia- I've started playing it but maybe i should take a break from running and jumping about..
Gears of War 1 and 2- The other options of games to get with my replacement Xbox were either pretty rubbish or already owned by myself so i was left with GoW2... I still have to get past the opening levels of GoW, it's just not grabbing me. I'm currently obsessed with the Devotchka song that was used to advertise the sequel, if you haven't heard it then click here. It seems like an odd choice of song and doesn't really go with the imagery but i like it.
Lord Of The Rings: Conquest- I like Lord of The Rings, I love Starwars Battlefront... so why can't i get excited enough about it to play the game? I think i'm worried that it's gonna be rubbish....
Dead Space- I have the animated film to watch and i've only completed half of the game, i left it for a bit and can't get the feel for the game when i try it again and keep dying.
Bioshock- I need to complete this game. I need to complete this game. I need to complete this game. I'll probably have to start it again though, i hate picking a game up again midway after leaving it for a long time.
There's also a couple of other games that haven't even made it on the list of games that i need to play such as Condemned (still in the wrapping), PGR4, Burnout Paradise, Hellboy (i will complete it, even though it is poo) and Mass Effect.
I've also got Chronos Trigger and Dragon Quest IV to complete before Dragon Quest V comes out!!! Too many games man...
In other news, I'm very happy that Lost is back on TV, if i could be any character in the show i would be Sayid- I even reckon he would beat Altair in a fight.