And it is Sunday again... damn you Sunday, damn you to hell! As a working man (grr, spitting, the daily star and pints of stout and all that!) Sunday evenings pain me, Sundays act as the harbinger of a new week and the fact that I will be forced to go to bed (reasonably) early and that I must spend my days doing things that give me no pleasure at all. But if I had no job I would be unable to enjoy gaming, but because I have a job my enjoyment of gaming is reduced... this paradox shall continue on loop forever until I am able to retire and by that point I am sure that I will no longer be able to understand video games and if the Wii and Project Natal are anything to go by I will not be able to even take part due to the fact that I'll be old and (probably) frail. That's an upsetting thought.
Anyway, It's been a while since I last posted on here, since my rant about online gamers I've bought a few things that will feature in blog entries in the future... I've been playing the fallout 3 DLC that i'd been avoiding (Broken Steel and erm... the river one), I've downloaded the demo of battefield on live (which will be part of my demo reviewing blog type thing), I've played and completed Ghostbusters, I've received my Street Fighter Fight Pad (which looks very nice) and I've started reading the entire series of Sin City (which is going to inspire me to continue my top 5 graphic novels blog series). Slipknoob has also inspired me to write about my favourite films and bands and I think I will also write an entry about my 5 favourite novels too.
So yeah, lots of stuff for me to write about when I can get the energy/inspiration.