I've just received in the post:
Guitar Hero World Tour
Tiger Woods 09
My reasons for buying Guitar Hero are that A, I was bored with my games collection and it was quite cheap and B, 'Operation:Make Dawn Love Video Games As Much As I Do' Is in full swing. I bought her an R4 cartridge the other day (and thus aiding terrorism if you believe the anti piracy ads) and she loves that, she also has a soft spot for a bit of rock so i thought that Guitar Hero would draw her into the murky world of gaming a little more. I'm considering buying a Wii again as part of Stage three of the operation, I'll buy Animal Crossing for her, Mario Kart for the two of us and House of the Dead for me. I think i'll wait for a while though, this is an intricate plan and i can't rush her into too much at once. mwah ha ha ha. I know when my mission has been accomplished when either A, She plays street fighter properly (and not like a button bashing girl!) and B, she no longer laughs at my obsession with gamespot.
I've also received Preacher: Alamo. Unfortunately this is the last in the series of graphic novels and i can't read it until i've read the other 4 that i ordered from Tesco.com (they are cheap, but retarded) and that, according to their website, will only be delivered to me in a months time. Hmph. I now know that for some reason the Preacher has lost an eye; i'm up to TPB #4 and this has not yet occurred. Damn you Tesco.com and damn my curiosity!