Eazy_E31 / Member

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My 1st WTF moderation

I was in OT board, in a topic about hell. I said hell doesnt exist and that religion was bs. Then someone moderated me for trolling! Lol WTF ? :lol:

That mod was probably a hardcore religion believer or he was really on that dope.

:lol: LMAO @ Gamespot mods :lol:

I'm back

Hi I'm a GS member since 2004. Some guys know me as lil_pimp72. The mods reset and banned my profile last month. I was like LVL 14 with 3000+ posts. :(

BUT NOW, I have returned from the banned and nobody will stop me !! Beware, Gamespot, I'm BACK !!! MUAHAHA !!! :twisted:

R.I.P. lil_pimp72 :cry: