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Ebeeto Blog

Starting off a real collection

I've started to collect video games for real, which is great. I've ordered a crap load of old Megadrive/Genesis games and some SNES cartridges. Mostly sports games because they're extremely cheap and so am I. I just want a load of boxes and cartridges to put on my shelves. Later in life when I'm rich, I'll be able to collect complete Secret of Mana's in mint condition instead of as many EA Hockey's as possible...

Also, I stumbled over the Officially Licensed Street Fighter II Anniversary Chun-Li Edition Playstation Controller and picked it up for 200 swedish crowns (about 25 dollars). Well, I haven't really picked it up yet, I'll go get it on saturday. It is a sweet little thing, though, I'll get back to you on that.

Well, that's the statement for now. I hope all those games satisfy my hunger for collecting plastic stuff with chips in them. Buy-buy!

Descent into nerdiness

Much of my free time consists of trying to remain as much of a gamer as possible without crossing the fine line to becoming a full-fledged Nerd. I feel somewhat secure right now, but dark forces are steadily trying to win me over to their side and make me start paying thousands of dollars for masks from the TMNT movies and synchronize my indoor decorations with my Animal Crossing one...

I need to keep track of how nerdy I am and what I can do to even it out. Remain human, so to speak. Here's my list of stuff that I have done or got, that speeds up my...

Descent into Nerdiness

- I still have my NES
- I bought a Mega Drive about a year ago
- I have ordered a video game from Asia
- I sometimes sit down in a couch "all mo-cap like"
- I sometimes indulge in mumbling noir-ish monologues when I'm out walking
- I've got a GameSpot account
- I worry about getting more emblems for my GameSpot account
- I believe it was "better back in the days"
- I actually believe that!
- I read old video games magazines at least once a week
- I know loads of dialogue from adventure games by heart
- I can find my way better in Los Santos than in my home town
- I compared real life water to the pixel shading water when pixel shading was new
- I own a Angry Video Game Nerd t-shirt

I'm sure there's more, and I'll add it to the list as soon as I understand it myself. So long!

I hate that turkey...

I feel so unfullfilled... Because of that damn bird...

The fact that I've only got two Gamespot badges is really bringing my confidence down. Look at those! A grey little thing I got for registering and the Turkey Day badge. I don't even know how or why I got that turkey thing, but most people seem to have them and it's undoubtably worthless. That bird's just sitting there, laughing in my face. I can almost hear him explaining how my mother is in bed and how much I suck at life... I wanna strangle that little bastard...

Anyway, I've decided to start gathering up some badges to bring my ego up and to start making a name for myself here on Gamespot. Why should I be registered if I'm not doing anything on here? Expect some nice videos from me, and a lot more time on the forums. Yippie-kay-yeah!

Dual screens at last!

Finally, I'm a proud owner of a Nintendo DS system. I was sceptical at first, but I simply love the little machine after getting to know it. With the Wi-Fi online feature spreading more and more, the handheld sure is to offer a whole bunch of play hours.

I don't understand the PSP... Believe me, I've left my fanboy days behind along with my N64 (that I still pop out know and then to reexperience the classics) and I don't want to prejudge any specific console, company or genre, but the PSP really doesn't feel as it will ever catch up with the DS... Sure, it's got the looks and the specs, but what does that matter when the availible games consist of 5 different racing games and only one must have (Liberty City Stories)?

I browsed Sweden's largest buy/sell-network the other day. I looked up the PSP and there I could find about 15 "Actiongames" (mostly Spider-Man and GTA), 5 puzzle games, and 257 Accessories... The PlayStation Portable is not a gaming device... It's an accessory device... It's very overpriced and to enable the neat moviewatching ability you more or less need a Smart Card that sells for about an additional $99...

Nah, I'm sceptical... But who knows? Maybe my scepsice will be erased in an instance sometime in a nearby future? I could hope...