Unbelievable! I'm a big fan of the original PC DOOM 3 - faults and all, 'simple' gameplay and all... at the time, and even still, it did what many games had tried to do, immerse a player fully and make them feel like they 'were there' in a fairly realistic envionment. This wasn't realistic in static shots, or compared to what today's version of realistic may be. It wasn't about super high texture quality or being a perfect mimic of reality. What it did was invoke the imagination from it's slightly OTT use of light and shade and even it's hard shadows cast from the flashlight added to this. Who cares if they weren't as accurate as real life, they were exaggerated on screen but while playing the brain compensated and made it feel like reality!
The game was misunderstood by many due to it's simple gameplay, failing to realise that it was one of few games (even today - crysis being another example) that felt like we were in an environment rather than staring at a cartoon. I will always love Doom 3 (original) for how it made me feel, the shadows were vital, the flashlight either/or tension was important too. To see the latter gone without an option for 'original' flashlight was questionable already, but the shadows it used to cast gone too? that was a massive part of the immersion!
I remember the times I'd be crouched down some pit soaking up the atmosphere, gazing up to the wall mounted steps with my flashlight on, watching the shadows dance and move creating darkness of their own... it was so damn eerie and oozed immersion.
Doom 3 was never about the gamplay that came from it's shooting element, but more than most games, it felt fun just 'being in there'. I found the talk of the oculus rift to go with the BFG edition exciting as I always imagined how cool playing D3 would have been with a decent HMD if one had existed at the time for a good price.
All of this pre-amble is basically to say I am very disappointed in this BFG edition - BFG obviously has changed meaning to "basically F*** gamers" now!
I also believe this has undergone consolisation after re-conversion to now-gen consoles. It's a lazy port, the only reason it works as well as it does is sheer luck I think, because it was originally made for PC. Any new additions are not PC-Centric, and in fact have taken stuff away? wtf??
To those asking why do we need options on an old game, the point is it's NOT even running at max settings! They have obviously settled on a medium ground quality bar (for consoles) then LAZILY not allowed it to be pushed too much on PC, probably to save on QA time or some other poor reason.
The game itself is still good imo - if you've never played it and get it cheap and can't get the original (+ mods) then do. It DOES still have atmosphere, it does still look relatively good (especially considering how old it basically is) which is a testement to how amazing it looked at the time. However for the fact they have tried to rip PC gamers off - in principle alone I'd avoid it and track down a 2nd hand copy of the original and vote with your wallet.
I don't know who's idea it was to get rid of so many dynamic shadows but it was a stupid idea, doesn't matter that some may have pointed out they were 'too dark' or 'too sharp' and that they could layer ontop of ambient shadows at times - it was FUN and immersive! what the hell are the industry doing when they get chance to revist it a game and remove one of it's most unique features, especially in a game like this that really paid off with atmosphere.
Even un-modded the original Doom 3 was better for the shadows alone, I'll take whatever may have not been perfect in it over the so called 'improvements' in this ridiculous downgrade.
With mods Doom 3 is still one of the best immersive environments a player could play through on PC today! The way it was built/textured originally gave it a very chunky solid quality that is sorely missing in many newer games, too many 'pretty' modern games are more like walking through 2D paintings, original Doom 3 felt like a solid environment with depth and character. I love the freakin' thing even in 2012 for many things it has not been bettered (unfortunately many will now judge it's legacy based on this BFG edition and not 'get' what was so awesome about it originally - a shame).
Bethesda are really starting to annoy me - I believe they had too much say in this and they hold the purse strings, part of IDs descent into mediocrity can be pinned firmly on them having to answer to bethseda now I think.
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