Christmas has come and gone, and I must say, it was a very pleasant Christmas aside from the nasty weather. On the upside, we did wind up with a White Christmas which we have not had in several years, so that was nice.
I received three games for Christmas this year, and I am VERY happy with them all.
From my Wife, I received Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time. I've played through the first few levels of it and so far, I love it. The controls are spot on and feel natural. I really like the fact that Ratchet can now throw his Omniwrench without having to come to a complete stop first. Makes things a whole lot simpler. The comedy is also great. I've already been laughing a lot at the game.
The second game I got is Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. This game is incredible. The voice acting and levels are great. There is real chemistry between the characters that doesn't feel fake in any way. The action is tight and great and it really has the feel as if Nathan is there which draws you into the game even further. Right away, I did notice they tweaked the controls a little bit which felt slightly awkward at first, but quick to adapt to. There are a lot of finer details in Nathan's movements that are great. I can't wait to get further into this story.
The third game was a present to myself, and a game I previously played, although didn't actually own. I bought Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Great game, and someday I'll play through it again.
Still no Xbox 360... I've got a computer job to do, which will get me half way to a new system. I'm planning on just getting the Hard Drive-less Arcade model, and then moving my 20GB HD from my dead system to the new one. That way I won't (hopefully) lose any of my game saves and downloads. I really want to finish Fallout 3 and get Modern Warfare 2 for the 360 (instead of the PS3 this time).