User Reviews & Ratings

Average Score 7.6/10
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 7
  5. 6
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 3
  9. 2
  10. 1
  • Rating:7

    NCAA Football 07

  • Rating:1

    Transformers: The Game

  • Rating:9.3

    Battlefield Vietnam

  • Rating:7.7

    Armored Core: Master of Arena

  • Rating:8.8

    Kingdom Hearts

  • Rating:8.6


  • Rating:7.7

    Star Wars: Battlefront II (DVD Edition)

  • Rating:9.6

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3

  • Rating:5.3

    Sonic Heroes

  • Rating:7.5

    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

  • Rating:8

    Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut

  • Rating:8.5

    Naruto RPG: Uketsugareshi Hi no Ishi

  • Rating:8.4

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

  • Rating:10

    Sonic Adventure

  • Rating:9.5

    Final Fantasy XI

  • Rating:7

    Jade Empire

  • Rating:4.5

    Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Rating:9.6
    Sonic the Hedgehog three was one of the best Sonics ever!

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3

    Sonic the Hedgehog three was one of the best Sonics ever!

    It brought in everything that made Sonic, Sonic. It was the first game to ever imply Tails's flying feature and Knuckles the Echidna. The parts I hated most were Carnival Night when you just couldn't find out how to get ... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9.3
    Definate fun, great addition to the Battlefield series!

    Battlefield Vietnam

    Definate fun, great addition to the Battlefield series!

    Everyone was sent into instant shock to simply play Battlefield 1942 but when this came out, everyone was blone out of their minds. You could drive, hike, or even fly across massive maps. Battlefield Vietnam contains gre... Read Full Review

    0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.8
    Was it a mistake for Square Enix to team up with Disney? Not at all...

    Kingdom Hearts

    Was it a mistake for Square Enix to team up with Disney? Not at all...

    Disney and Square Enix... You'd laugh before to even hear the names in the same sentence. But what about to see their names on the cover of a game together? Most people thought it would be a disaster at first but then wh... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.6
    Murdering comes with a price, the price it cost to buy Fable...<br />  <br />  Will you be the death or the life?


    Murdering comes with a price, the price it cost to buy Fable...<br /> <br /> Will you be the death or the life?

    Imagine, living in a village your whole life with your sister, father and mother. Then one day bandits invade, bursting the town into flames and you're the only one who survives, or so you thought. That's how Fable start... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:6.7
    Sequal to the greatest Star Wars game ever, a total failure...

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

    Sequal to the greatest Star Wars game ever, a total failure...

    Every Star Wars fan has played or heard of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. When they hear the name they think of great storyline, awesome game play, and Revan. When Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ... Read Full Review

    2 of 4 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.4
    History of the past revealed...

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

    History of the past revealed...

    The game was released for the X Box created by BioWare, the developers of the Boulders Gate series. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is simply the best Star Wars game around. It's packed with an adventure of worlds... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.8
    "Give me something to shoot.", That's right, they're back and ready for action...

    Starcraft: Brood War

    "Give me something to shoot.", That's right, they're back and ready for action...

    Continueing the story of the last StarCraft game, StarCraft: Brood War introduces a variety of new units. Clearly this is an improvement on the last game, the story is very interesting as well. Each side can be given a n... Read Full Review

    2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.8
    The hit RTS game everyone loves to date...


    The hit RTS game everyone loves to date...

    StarCraft. The real time strategy game debuted in 1998 with its various races and different stories. It alows players to pick from three races, the Terran, Zerg, and Protoss. The Terran are a species of humen, you could ... Read Full Review

    3 of 5 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7.7
    Shoot, fly, or be a Jedi...

    Star Wars: Battlefront II

    Shoot, fly, or be a Jedi...

    Star Wars Battlefront, the series that brought fans up close and personel to their enemies. Battles could engage online, offline, in air, on ground, and on almost every planet of the Star Wars series. The first one was s... Read Full Review

    1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:3.3
    Pointless adition... This is more for people who like the older more failed Sonic games...

    Sonic Gems Collection

    Pointless adition... This is more for people who like the older more failed Sonic games...

    I tried to play these games. I was more interested in playing the game because I'd never played Sonic CD before but the game was disappointing. Everything was too easy in the game and therefore I immediately lost interes... Read Full Review

    2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:5.3
    Uncooperative camera angles, bad gameplay, the same levels and bosses over and over again...

    Sonic Heroes

    Uncooperative camera angles, bad gameplay, the same levels and bosses over and over again...

    Sonic Heroes, the bringer of the backer of Shadow the Hedgehog... The next game of the Sonic series after Sonic Adventure 2... The worst gameplay to ever be presented of Sonic so far, really bad voice actors as well. ... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7.5
    Yet again the chao have come, Shadow introduces an amazing plot, and Crush 40 returns for music...

    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Reprint)

    Yet again the chao have come, Shadow introduces an amazing plot, and Crush 40 returns for music...

    Everyone knows about the chao. You know the little creatures who are so cute yet so annoying and you feel like throwing them on a wall because they don't shut up yet you can't because you've put twenty hours of training ... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7.3
    It may be short but a die hard Sonic Fan will love it!

    Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut

    It may be short but a die hard Sonic Fan will love it!

    This was one of the greatest game SEGA has made for the revolution of Sonic. The storyline kept everyone interested. The sad parts of this were that it was like every other game, stop Eggman and get the Chaos Emeralds fi... Read Full Review

    0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7
    No reason to keep replaying the game, it's twenty hours of bad story at most...

    Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku

    No reason to keep replaying the game, it's twenty hours of bad story at most...

    The game isn't that great when you get past everything that people say are good. Most people like the combat system. Sure it's ok but it's not the best, it leaves hardly any challenge when facing opponents, it gets repet... Read Full Review

    1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8
    Player's Fault

    Shadow the Hedgehog

    Player's Fault

    I've heard from dozens of people that the game makes Shadow slide, or you'll fall off of something when you least expect it. Well there's a definate reason for this and it isn't because the game was done poorly, it's the... Read Full Review

    4 of 5 users found the following review helpful