EdVader / Member

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EdVader Blog


Quit WoW and now i pretty much hate MMO's as a whole.... my "bipolar" gaming ordeal has not come to an end by any means. And there is no end in sight...

Lol. I'm pretty bipolar when it comes to gaming.

Well now I'm playing World of Warcraft again.

Warhammer was and is fun, but they have an extremely small team (that or they are just lazy and ignorant) so old bugs never get fixed, feedback is never taken to heart, and they rarely ever acknowledge any errors with their game even with the trivial area of bugs.

Oh well, until they can patch up that game I'm done with it.

WoW is a solid MMO anyways.

Warhammer Video

My character is Joobiter of the Monolith server, and I want to invite you guys to head over to Warhammermovies.com, check out my vid, comment/rate it, or even head to youtube and search Joobiter Warhammer RvR or something along those lines. Worked for about 2 weeks on it. Enjoy.

PC Gamer Officially

Huge PC gamer now. Got my vista 32 bit going and here's my specs.

2Gigs DDR2 Ram

Foxconn SLI Board

EVGA Geforce 8800GS Alpha Dog Edition, overlocked a ton.

Cooler Master (Top of the line cooler)

AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Dual Core overclocked at 3.19GHz

300g SATA Hard Drive

80g IDEA Secondary Drive


Really proud of my build, saving for a second 8800GS Alpha Dog for a dual card setup, would have to get a better power supply and another cooler though ;).

Currently running:

Crysis, Crysis Warhead: High Setting

Warhammer Online: All High and Antialiased to hell.

Dead Space: Completely High

Spore: Completely High

TF2: Completely high and antialiased a ton.

Fallout 3, Oblivion: All High and all high draw distances and antialiasing overrides.

MMORPG's and My Current Gaming Location

I'm basically an all around MMORPG player now. I play Battlefront: Renegade Squadron on the PSP during some WoW downtimes and any other free time I have. STRONGLY looking forward to Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning and playing for awhile. It looks like an extremely promising MMORPG that seems like is fixing all the problems I have with WoW while adding some great features. I'm always looking for more fans so PM me if you are planning on grabbing WaR.

Currently I am a member of about 70-120 people that play a game called Tribes: Vengeance. This game is very underrated and the community is very small for such a game that deserves a way bigger community pool. I encourage any of you FPS fans looking for one of the most fun and challenging games out there to play Tribes: Vengeance. I play under the name of MoS^' so feel free to talk with me!

Catch you guys later... EdVader signing out.

I've Changed Quite a Bit

Yeah, when I first came here, I had a PS2 and Tribes: Aerial Assault. Then, got more into Nintendo, wanted a PSP bad, ended up buying a DS. Then I went out and played WoW, then sold my DS and got a PSP, then I hated Nintendo, then I got a 360, play Halo 3. Now I'm moving away from WoW and are more into Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Whew... anyways.

Basically I'm at, small Sony fan, large Xbox 360 fan, HUGE PC gaming fan. And now I'm more of a RPG and FPS gamer. Unlike what I used to be into. Anyways, I'm alot more mature, I'm doing alot more with Microsoft products and I prefer RPG's and FPS's over anything.

The new EdVader people. GET USED TO IT!

I'm Back

Hey everybody, I'm back. I know I was gone awhile and some people weren't happy about it, *cough* Mario Kart Union *cough*... But I am here for as long as I need to be, and I really hope that I can stay for way longer than I was before.

This is Interesting

Alright, just got the link to the new Metroid Prime Hunters Video.....and, its hot. SO HOT I decided to make a Union about it and the Series. The Metroid Prime Union will be up for grabs soon, just wait, hopefully before January it will be on the ball. Wanna join the Union/Clan??? PM me, EdVader, for details.

PSP to DS......The real GREAT AND HARD Decision...

Well, looked at the PSP and said WOW......I knew I was getting it.....I went for over a half a year making fun of the DS with my friend at my other friend who wanted the DS. I was so amazed by the graphics and never took the time to check out the DS or its games.....I thought the whole dual screen thing was stupid and never really cared for a touch screen. I finally started to raise some money for a PSP.....I officially was 50$ away when I heard about "gamespot.com"(<<<<heck yes!!!!)....Checked it out and saw the real DS graphics for one of my first times....."Mario KART!!!!METROID PRIME!!!!ANIMAL CROSSING!!!!!!MARIO 64???!!!!!!" I said as I looked at the upcoming games list.....then I take a gander at the PSP list......"SOCOM....cool! GTA!.....ummm.....cool but I can't play it........ugh.....those are the only two..."....Then I started to wonder....maybe the DS isn't so bad.....So I decided to play one at EB games and see how the Frame Rate and Graphics were....."This isn't that much worse......and the gameplay is far greater than the PSP" I thought, I then moved to the demo PSP, HOW THE HECK DOES MY FRIEND EVEN GET "GOOD" AT TWISTED METAL ON THIS GOD FORSAKEN THING!!!!!.......The DS had so much more replay value and the DS was built much better to overtake crashes and falling on concrete......So I ran to EB Games a week later after decideing on which one to get and picked up a DS and Star Wars with Mario 64.......Never have regretted....Now I play online and eagerly anticipate games that the PSP will never reach status with..... 
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