So, I got my 360 Pro at launch, meaning it came with a 20gb HDD. Over the last year or so I've had to delete things off of my HDD any time I wanted to rent a movie, download a demo, etc.
Over the last couple of weeks I've been looking at upgrading my HDD. My two options were a 60gb HDD for $100, or a 120gb HDD for $150. Talk about a ripoff, but I was getting tired of deleting DLC.
I figured I would play it safe and just get the 120gb HDD to solve possible problems down the line. An Elite is $150 more than the 120gb HDD. I called GameStop and they were running a bonus deal where I could get $120 for my old 360 Pro. So basically I could get the HDD for $150, or get a new console for only $30 more.
I chose to get the Elite. For the extra $30 I got a new, fully functioning controller to replace my previous one that was on the fritz. I also got two new games with the Elite, Pure and Lego Batman. I haven't played Lego Batman yet, but the reviews aren't good. Pure is pretty good though, not $60 of goodness, but asa free game I'm happy.
Lastly, Thanksgiving was good. Unfortunately this was the year my birthday fell on Thanksgiving, so it was somewhat hectic (I turned 32). I hope everyone's Thanksgiving went well, and if I don't post another blog by Christmas (which I probably won't), I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season.