Hey everyone its time for the anime and manga update of the week. Manga section: Naruto manga chapter 444: Onemanga.com/Naruto Description: I thought that was a good chapter, I liked how Naruto puposely got hit with the chakra dagger, my guess is because he wanted to connect with Nagato. Also I feel kinda bad for Nagato because the reason his family was killed was because the other Shinobi thought they were enemies. Also I really wanted Naruto to give Nagato a good hit to make him realize what he has done, Naruto's eye design looked awesome to mixing Kyubbi mode with Sage mode. This is actually looking pretty interesting and cant wait for next chapter. Picture:

Naruto's eyes burn with a fiery Vengance against Nagato, however he is willing to connect with Nagato and is willing to know what pain Nagato expirenced. Bleach manga 354: Onemanga.com/Bleach Description: Ichigo sits and thinks about Ulquiorra's last words and he finaly understands what he had meant. Outside the tower Chad, Rukia, and Renji are flustered about how large Yammy is, than Yammy complains and undergoes another transformation and this time his number changes as well as his size. Its finnaly known when in this form hes the 0 Espada. It goes back to the Fake Kaarakura town and it shows Captain Hitsugaya going through a tough time fighting Halibel. Picture:

Anime section: Naruto Shippuden episode 105: http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episode-105/#more-32633 Description: Continuing from last episode shows Kabuto, Guren, and Yuukimaru hurry to the lake to try a stop the sealing of thr three tails. Once they get there they Kabuto hestantly gets Yuukimaru to come over and is about to give him pills. Guren immediatly begins to take action by slapping the pills out of Kabuto's hands, worried about the boy's safety she tells Kabuto hat she will handle the sealing barrier. Kabuto reluctantly accepts the offer and tells her to wait till Rinji to get her to explain the plan, while he goes and takes Yuukimaru to a spot where the three tails chakra wont affect his. Yuukimaru watches the sealing barrier from afar. Later Rinji shows up and tells Guren the plan and Guren volunteers to be the decoy in order for Rinji to disperse the sealing jutsu. Minutes later she appears in front of Lee and Ten-Ten who are guarding the barrier. She than chides them about there attitude, and than they move on to battling. Ten-Ten seal releases a bunch of weapons and Guren quickly blocks them while Lee moves in to attack, Lee manages to get her off guard and kicks her down back to the Lake. Lee notices his attacks seemed less effective, and Ten-Ten sees that her body is covered in a freshly made crystal casing. Guren then regenerates the crystal. She than gets flustered because normally she would of beaten them by now. Lee and Ten-Ten than move in to attack again, she than turns puts a thin layer or crystal around her fists and says she only can do one of two more justsu. She than strikes back hitting both of them and knocking them away than she quickly materializes a crystal Dragon to strike. Rinji notes this oppurtunity to strike and goes for the sheild, Lee and Ten-Ten worry, and than later before Rinji can strike Naruto comes in a does his new Water pistol jutsu on Rinji blowing him away. The waves reveals Naruto and Gamatatsu, and Gamakichi and both of them feel great knowing the technique worked out good. The three tails begins to struggle making a huge waves, Kakashi and and Sai meet up with Yamato's group as Yamato explains what happened after they defeated Guren' Henchmen. They than notice a huge roar a raging wave, the sealing group worries about the barrier and the three tails gets released and begins squirming around. This causes tons of waves and the others fear the three tails chakra. Yuukimaru begins wandering throughout the forest trying to find out whats going on. Guren teases Naruto about how there plan was a success, Naruto gets agrivated, and Gamakichi chides Naruto for bringing them out her, while thats going on the three tails does a water blast creating a huge tidal wave and sucks the others in throwing them in different directions. Yuukimaru notices this at a cliff nearby and the wave dies down. Yuukimaru than notices Guren on top of a small island unconscious and the three tails by her ready to strike with one of its tails. Yuukimaru lets out all his energy and barely manages to tame the beast. Tobi looking for Deidara gets excited over his find. The others watch as Yuukimaru controls the beast, later Orochimaru sits in his chair and talks about true strenght while burning a note by Kabuto. Guren than wakes up noticing the huge beast in her sight and looking for an answer. Bleach episode 215: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-215/#more-33970 Description: This episode was awesome it got back to canon and it showed the first part of the battle where Commander Yamamoto released his Zanpaktou, and does Blazing fortress which makes a fiery shield around preventing Aizen, Gin, and Tousen from leaving anytime soon. The other captians are suprised and than it moves back to Hueco Mundo in the tower where Orihime is being kept Ulquiorra ask's Orhime if she is scared. She tells him her Heart is with her friends with a determined, strong face. Ulquiorra has a questioned look on his face, at the same time Ichigo is rushing to the tower and is stoped by Rudobone the captain of the Exequias. Ichigo is than rushed by hundreds of them, and than suddently Rukia, chad, and Renji all make their cool apperances by supporting Ichigo and telling him togo to the tower. Rukia is than told her attacks are not effective by Rudobone. Back at the Tower Ulquiorra wonders what and Heart and a soul is and wonders he is cracks Orihime's head or opens her chest will he find it. Just at the right time Ichigo breaks in the tower ready to fight Ulquiorra. Fullmetal-alchemist: BrotherHood episode 2: http://www.watchanimeon.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood-episode-2 Description: This episode was awesome it showed Ed and Al living normal life and learning Alchemy, their mom always praised them. Than there was a plague and their mom suddently fell ill and died. At her grave stone Ed pitches a idea to bring her back which is a taboo in alchemy, Human transmutation. They continued to study all day and night trying to be precise when the time comes when they try and bring her back. Than the momment finally comes, they get all he ingredients of a average human and than finish it with a few drops of there blood. The two boys than use alchemy, although seconds later things go horribly wrong and black hands come out taking Alphonse's whole body, Ed panicking reaches out to help but thery take his left and right arm. Ed is suddently in an odd room with a gate of some sort and is confronted by a figure who claims to be the Universe, God, the Truth, and also Ed! Ed is than sent through the gate and expirences the ''Truth'' though he felt like his head was going to explode a little further he noticed his mother but came back outside the gate before he got the chance to reach her. He realizes the equations werent wrong and the secret of Human transmutation was a little farther. The figure claims he cant go back in their with the price he has payed. His left leg and arm disapeer and soon he is back in the real world. He's sliding to some armor that fell and wrote a blood seal and uses Alchemy is bound Al's soul to it. Meanwhile in headquarters Hueys walks out Mustang wondering why he made Ed and Alchemist(Note this is in present time) Mustang knows the hell they went through. Than it goes a couple of years where Mustang finds the room they did the Human Transmutation in and shoots of to the Rockbells's house and grabs Edward by the neck, Al pleads for him to stop. Later the Colonel talks about Ed becoming a state Alchemist though Pinako is relucant to listen to him. In the other room Winry is talking to Riza Hawkeye, Winry is hesitant to tell Riza her name or shake her hand. Winry asks Riza if she has shot anyone, Rinza replies ''Yes'' and Winry states her dislike for officers. Riza notices on of her reasons were because they were taking Ed and Al away and she tells Winry whether they go or not is up to them. Mustand and Riza than leave and Winry shakes Riza's hand and tells her her name. Riza questions Ed's determination however Mustang see's a fiery determination in Ed's eyes. 4 years later it goes to Ed trying out for becominga state alchemist, he suprises all his peers with his amazing alchemic skills. And the Fuhrer tells him he doesnt now how big the world is yet. Back at Resembool Winry asks Al if they are leaving the village after Ed becomes a state alchemist and Al relpies ''Yes.'' The final scene was where Ed finds out his second name which is ''FullMetal'' and says with a determined face ''I'll bear it!''
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