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Weekly anime/manga news (6)

Hey everyone its time for the anime and manga update of the week. Manga section: Naruto manga chapter 444: Onemanga.com/Naruto Description: I thought that was a good chapter, I liked how Naruto puposely got hit with the chakra dagger, my guess is because he wanted to connect with Nagato. Also I feel kinda bad for Nagato because the reason his family was killed was because the other Shinobi thought they were enemies. Also I really wanted Naruto to give Nagato a good hit to make him realize what he has done, Naruto's eye design looked awesome to mixing Kyubbi mode with Sage mode. This is actually looking pretty interesting and cant wait for next chapter. Picture:  Naruto's eyes burn with a fiery Vengance against Nagato, however he is willing to connect with Nagato and is willing to know what pain Nagato expirenced. Bleach manga 354: Onemanga.com/Bleach Description: Ichigo sits and thinks about Ulquiorra's last words and he finaly understands what he had meant. Outside the tower Chad, Rukia, and Renji are flustered about how large Yammy is, than Yammy complains and undergoes another transformation and this time his number changes as well as his size. Its finnaly known when in this form hes the 0 Espada. It goes back to the Fake Kaarakura town and it shows Captain Hitsugaya going through a tough time fighting Halibel. Picture:  Anime section: Naruto Shippuden episode 105: http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episode-105/#more-32633 Description: Continuing from last episode shows Kabuto, Guren, and Yuukimaru hurry to the lake to try a stop the sealing of thr three tails. Once they get there they Kabuto hestantly gets Yuukimaru to come over and is about to give him pills. Guren immediatly begins to take action by slapping the pills out of Kabuto's hands, worried about the boy's safety she tells Kabuto hat she will handle the sealing barrier. Kabuto reluctantly accepts the offer and tells her to wait till Rinji to get her to explain the plan, while he goes and takes Yuukimaru to a spot where the three tails chakra wont affect his. Yuukimaru watches the sealing barrier from afar. Later Rinji shows up and tells Guren the plan and Guren volunteers to be the decoy in order for Rinji to disperse the sealing jutsu. Minutes later she appears in front of Lee and Ten-Ten who are guarding the barrier. She than chides them about there attitude, and than they move on to battling. Ten-Ten seal releases a bunch of weapons and Guren quickly blocks them while Lee moves in to attack, Lee manages to get her off guard and kicks her down back to the Lake. Lee notices his attacks seemed less effective, and Ten-Ten sees that her body is covered in a freshly made crystal casing. Guren then regenerates the crystal. She than gets flustered because normally she would of beaten them by now. Lee and Ten-Ten than move in to attack again, she than turns puts a thin layer or crystal around her fists and says she only can do one of two more justsu. She than strikes back hitting both of them and knocking them away than she quickly materializes a crystal Dragon to strike. Rinji notes this oppurtunity to strike and goes for the sheild, Lee and Ten-Ten worry, and than later before Rinji can strike Naruto comes in a does his new Water pistol jutsu on Rinji blowing him away. The waves reveals Naruto and Gamatatsu, and Gamakichi and both of them feel great knowing the technique worked out good. The three tails begins to struggle making a huge waves, Kakashi and and Sai meet up with Yamato's group as Yamato explains what happened after they defeated Guren' Henchmen. They than notice a huge roar a raging wave, the sealing group worries about the barrier and the three tails gets released and begins squirming around. This causes tons of waves and the others fear the three tails chakra. Yuukimaru begins wandering throughout the forest trying to find out whats going on. Guren teases Naruto about how there plan was a success, Naruto gets agrivated, and Gamakichi chides Naruto for bringing them out her, while thats going on the three tails does a water blast creating a huge tidal wave and sucks the others in throwing them in different directions. Yuukimaru notices this at a cliff nearby and the wave dies down. Yuukimaru than notices Guren on top of a small island unconscious and the three tails by her ready to strike with one of its tails. Yuukimaru lets out all his energy and barely manages to tame the beast. Tobi looking for Deidara gets excited over his find. The others watch as Yuukimaru controls the beast, later Orochimaru sits in his chair and talks about true strenght while burning a note by Kabuto. Guren than wakes up noticing the huge beast in her sight and looking for an answer. Bleach episode 215: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-215/#more-33970 Description: This episode was awesome it got back to canon and it showed the first part of the battle where Commander Yamamoto released his Zanpaktou, and does Blazing fortress which makes a fiery shield around preventing Aizen, Gin, and Tousen from leaving anytime soon. The other captians are suprised and than it moves back to Hueco Mundo in the tower where Orihime is being kept Ulquiorra ask's Orhime if she is scared. She tells him her Heart is with her friends with a determined, strong face. Ulquiorra has a questioned look on his face, at the same time Ichigo is rushing to the tower and is stoped by Rudobone the captain of the Exequias. Ichigo is than rushed by hundreds of them, and than suddently Rukia, chad, and Renji all make their cool apperances by supporting Ichigo and telling him togo to the tower. Rukia is than told her attacks are not effective by Rudobone. Back at the Tower Ulquiorra wonders what and Heart and a soul is and wonders he is cracks Orihime's head or opens her chest will he find it. Just at the right time Ichigo breaks in the tower ready to fight Ulquiorra. Fullmetal-alchemist: BrotherHood episode 2: http://www.watchanimeon.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood-episode-2 Description: This episode was awesome it showed Ed and Al living normal life and learning Alchemy, their mom always praised them. Than there was a plague and their mom suddently fell ill and died. At her grave stone Ed pitches a idea to bring her back which is a taboo in alchemy, Human transmutation. They continued to study all day and night trying to be precise when the time comes when they try and bring her back. Than the momment finally comes, they get all he ingredients of a average human and than finish it with a few drops of there blood. The two boys than use alchemy, although seconds later things go horribly wrong and black hands come out taking Alphonse's whole body, Ed panicking reaches out to help but thery take his left and right arm. Ed is suddently in an odd room with a gate of some sort and is confronted by a figure who claims to be the Universe, God, the Truth, and also Ed! Ed is than sent through the gate and expirences the ''Truth'' though he felt like his head was going to explode a little further he noticed his mother but came back outside the gate before he got the chance to reach her. He realizes the equations werent wrong and the secret of Human transmutation was a little farther. The figure claims he cant go back in their with the price he has payed. His left leg and arm disapeer and soon he is back in the real world. He's sliding to some armor that fell and wrote a blood seal and uses Alchemy is bound Al's soul to it. Meanwhile in headquarters Hueys walks out Mustang wondering why he made Ed and Alchemist(Note this is in present time) Mustang knows the hell they went through. Than it goes a couple of years where Mustang finds the room they did the Human Transmutation in and shoots of to the Rockbells's house and grabs Edward by the neck, Al pleads for him to stop. Later the Colonel talks about Ed becoming a state Alchemist though Pinako is relucant to listen to him. In the other room Winry is talking to Riza Hawkeye, Winry is hesitant to tell Riza her name or shake her hand. Winry asks Riza if she has shot anyone, Rinza replies ''Yes'' and Winry states her dislike for officers. Riza notices on of her reasons were because they were taking Ed and Al away and she tells Winry whether they go or not is up to them. Mustand and Riza than leave and Winry shakes Riza's hand and tells her her name. Riza questions Ed's determination however Mustang see's a fiery determination in Ed's eyes. 4 years later it goes to Ed trying out for becominga state alchemist, he suprises all his peers with his amazing alchemic skills. And the Fuhrer tells him he doesnt now how big the world is yet. Back at Resembool Winry asks Al if they are leaving the village after Ed becomes a state alchemist and Al relpies ''Yes.'' The final scene was where Ed finds out his second name which is ''FullMetal'' and says with a determined face ''I'll bear it!''

Weekly anime/manga news (5)

Hello guys! Its time for the weekly anime/manga anouncements. Sorry I didnt post one last week I had some last minute Homework assignments and I didnt want to post it late. Manga section: Naruto manga chapter 443: Onemanga.com/Naruto Description: This chapter was very good Naruto is searching for Nagato but on the way he encounters Inouchi, and Shukaku's group. Inouchi and Naruto than begin to argue about Pain and it ends up Shukaku gives Naruto a break and sends him off. Naruto than goes intoa huge tree and finds Nagato and Konan. What is going to happen with them, will Naruto's words get through to Pain. Picture:  Bleach manga chapter 353: Onemanga.com/Bleach Description: This chapter showed Ichigo turning back to normal and Orihime and Uryu are relieved. Ichigo than starts to frantically tell Ulquiorra he didnt want to win this way. So he and Ulquiorra come at each other in their current state and it ends up Ichigo beats Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra asks Orihime again ''Are you Afraid?'' Orihime replies ''No'' and reaches out to touch him but he disapeers. Picture:  Anime section: Naruto Shippuden episode 103 and 104: http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episode-103-and-104/#more-32376 Description: This double episode was great it was full of action, good artwork, and fluid animation. The Team to battle the Guren's henchmen worked well together because Lee came up with a ingenuis plan to see the through the smoke screen. After that the team starts beating them one by one but theres one problem, the henchmen were weak this time around, is it because Rinji left? The barrier team seems to be hard at work concentrating on the barrier and finding the three tails. The group that battles Guren worked great as well because Guren seemed to be a little off this time because Naruto kept tauting her about Yuukimaru, she did manage to damage Naruto and Kakashi. Sai battles Gozu and binds him but Gozu counters him and travels to where Guren is. Shino then becomes ready for action with his newly developed insects o he counters the crystal style. Guren who is tired of all the attacks shields herself in a crystal prison, Shino drills through the prison as kakashi readies his Lightning Blade. Before Kakashi strikes Gozu jumps in the way taking the attack and sending Guren to safety by attacking her away from the pursuers. Gozu dies, and Guren thinks about his actions. Deidara and Tobi continue to find the Sanbi(Three tails) but they end up traveling alone because Deidara ignores Tobi. Tobi than stumbles upon the lake and watches the barrier team bind the three tails. Rinji is seen nearby and goes to attack. But Lee and Ten-Ten(Having split in smaller groups) confront him and he vanishes. Guren than hears a grass whistle that Yuukimaru plays to try and signal Guren, Guren realizes that that was the same noice she heard when she killed an adult(Yuukimarus parent?) Guren rushes back and talks to Kabuto about Yuukimaru, Guren is left with no choice but to listen to Kabuto's convincing orders. They than set out to surpress and capture the Sanbi. The opening and ending songs were awesome by the way. Bleach episode 214: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-214/#more-32631 Description: This is continuing from the last episode which was filler. It has the Karakura group go up to the Hollow fortress , on the way in they meet enimies but they are taken care of by the others except Keigo who just runs around scared to death from the Hollow. Its goes to Kon in the main room, the Hollow starts thrashing about and than the others contact him on the special watch and encourage him so he does the Riser beam and defeats the hollow. They than escapre the fortress and Kisuke thanks them for their work and he activates the Spirit pillar on each end of Karakura town to transport it.(That part actually was inspired by canon) Also next episode will contain a new opening if I'm not mistaken and will be back to canon. Full-metal alchemist: Brotherhood: http://www.watchanimeon.com/full-metal-alchemist-brotherhood-episode-1 Description: This was the first new episode of the remake following the manga. First of all I watched the new episode and it was great, they probably showed a filler episode cause they didnt want to start it off like the original series. But anyways yeah I'm waiting for more awesome episodes to come, also the new opening rocked with fluid animation, and the ending was soothing to say the least. The new opening was by YUI, the person who sung the song "Rolling star" which was the fifth Bleach opening. This episode was either to introduce future ideas, or to start off differeing from the orginal series. It had Ed and Al comming to central to take part of a mission to capture the Ice alchemist, it introduces a lot of characters and ideas and the next episode will start it all. Picture:

Life Update(1)

So how you guys doing this week started of pretty good so I just want to note some things that have happened. We went to Gamestop and Walmart searching for Naruto Ultimate ninja 4 but they didnt have any copies. So I just ended up getting Pokemon Platinum but I will be getting NUN once I get the money again. Pokemon Platinum is awesome people might say your playing the same stroy over again, not quite this game changed some things around to make it more interesting and I have to say its working! I'm not that far because I wanna take my time and work really hard on it.  Also I got the new Shonen Jump today which looks really cool, I'm just browsing through it at the momment I'll be reading it for real tommorow. This issue Naruto manga comes back, people should really get the Shonen Jump I mean you get 7 manga to read, plus you get info on anime and anime products that are comming to america and the good part about it its only $4.99. The next news is rather unfortunate... Soul Eaters last episode was today and its depressing because it really was a good show that I had recently got into about a month and a half ago. The last episode was really good and the ending was awesome but I'm glad the manga is still ongoing. Also the past Saturday was also the last episode of Blue Dragon: The seven Dragons of Heaven(Second season). It was also a good series and I liked how they wrapped up the final episodes with awesome animation and artwork. I will being doing tributes to both on my anime/manga blog so stay tuned until next time! Also has anyone noticed Tv.com changed formats again its not really major but still. I can deal with it but it does get annoying cause they are always changing it.

Weekly anime/manga upate (4)

Happy Friday! How was your day mines was great. But anyways sorry for not posting this earlier but at least I'm posting it so time for the Weekly anime/manga update! Naruto manga chapter 441: Onemanga.com/Naruto Desciption: This chapter was great I knew Naruto was going to worry about the villagers safety but I'm glad he was relieved of all troubles to fight Pain. I liked seeing Guy's team finally arrive and see whats been going down since they were last there. Also I'm so proud that Naruto is finally uses elaborate schemes to fight his battles his little plan to find Nagato was genius! It looks like Pain cant keep up with Naruto speed in Sage mode now that hes all tired out, Pain thought he could figure Naruto out but he couldnt and this time it'l cost him more that chakra! Next time its in color pages and is supposely the last chapter of this fight, its bound to be better and I cant wait. Ps: Glad Hinata will be safe and sound. Picture:  Bleach manga chapter 351: Onemanga.com/Bleach Description: This chapter waas great Ichigo in his new hollowfied state manage to rival Ulquiourra. He also managed to cause alot of destruction and Orihime is puzzled to see him like that what will she do to make him go normal again, will Ichigo continue to go on a rampage? Picture:  http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episodes-101-and-102/#more-31414 Naruto Shippuden episode 101 and 102: http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episodes-101-and-102/#more-31414 Description: This was a double episode and it was pretty good the first part was Naruto VS Guren although they only fought for like 4-5 minutes. The next parts show how they are regrouping and thinking of a stategy to seal the three tails and rescue Yuukimaru. The next episode is also a double episode so there wont be an episode next week the next episode show arrive on April 9th and it should be a great one as they battle for the three tails! Bleach episode 212: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-112/ Description: This week was the final episode of the Turn back the Pendulum arc andit was very good it showed Kisuke and the Kidou Master had to confront Aizen but he ended up getting away. Than they had to get back to the research lab to try and reverse the effects of the hollowfication. But Kisuke failed and then the two of them were taken to the Central 46 for questions and they stated that Kisuke was banished form Soul Society and will lose his powers and the Kido master would be sent in solitary confinement for using forbidden Kidou. Than Yoruichi shows up and teloports them back to her secret location(As well as the 8 who had been Hollowfied) where they plot there escape. Theres gonna be a filler next week which sucks cause I though they were going to go right to the action and thanks to these current episodes the manga has had time to speed away from the anime. Update: Today was a awesome day I scored good on my quizes and after school I walked up to the girl I had been crushing on and asked her for a hug and she hugged me without any hesitation. I thought I was ruining our friendship but I guess not. Also next anime/manga update will be a special one due to some things that you'll find out so bye bye! Also the Official Naruto site has just openened up a forum so come and join, my username there is Narutofan09. Also sign up for their contest to win some free goodies I'm hoping to win this weeks contest!

Weekly anime/manga updates (3)

Time for the weekly anime/manga updates!!!!!! Sorry for not posting it last week I was busy at the momment and I didnt want to post it late. Naruto manga chapter 440: Onemanga.com/Naruto Description: This chapter was so cool, though t his chapter has mostly talking it confirmed somethings and also it ending with Naruto going Sage mode and decending to fight Pain. This time Naruto's ready with a new foound determination and hes ready to have his final bout with Pain! Picture:  Bleach manga chapter 350: Onemanga.com/Bleach Description: Ichigo has undergone through a shocking form but will this be enough to stop Ulquiorra, what will be the outcome of this battle. Also how will Orihime feel when she sees Ichigo in this form...? Picture:  Naruto anime episode 101 and 102: This will be a double episode and will air next week on Thursaday, this is unfortunate but be patient! Bleach anime episode 211: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-211/#more-31412 Description: This episode shows Aizen telling his evil plan to Shinji, what will be the outcome of their meeting what will happen to Shinji and the others...? Life update: Pokemon Platinum comes out in two days and the release of Naruto ultimate ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden games I will both be purchasing and making a blog of when I get them. Also I'm still trying to gather the money to collect the Naruto manga books that have been released 34-44, but I'm a little low on cash at the momment but I'll find a way. Please comment and tell me your thoughts on the episodes/chapters or life in general! I'll also be posting on blogs when I have time so bye!

Weekly anime Updates...

Hello, time for weekly anime updates! Naruto manga chpter 438: Onemanga.com/Naruto Description: I thought this chapter was great not intense as last time but it was cool to see 6 tailed Naruto going on a rampage and it left off another cliffhanger, also should I mention Hinata's alive! God realm also had a new technique in store for Naruto: Chibaku Tensei! Picture:  Bleach manga chapter 348: Onemanga.com/Bleach Description: This chapter was a great follow up chapter like the new Naruto manga chapter, Ichigo is still getting thrashed by Uliquiorra and Orihime and Uryuu investigate ending up with Ichigo getting blasted! Picture:  Naruto Shippuden anime episode 99: http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episode-99/#more-30490 Description: This episode really shined glory on this filler arc cause the animation was extrodinary, and the artwork. It was perfect with an hilarious intro from Tobi and Deidara, next the enemy group tries to ambush the investigation team of Kakashi, Yamato, Shino, and Kiba! Ending with Guren trying to subdue a rampaging tailed beast! The episode was truly interesting it had action, it had suspence and it was a tearjerker at that. Bleach anime episode 209: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-209/#more-30488 Description: The 9th squad head out to investigate the sudden disaperances of citizens. They arrive and have to battlea hollow where it reveals the 9th squad captains Zanpaktou abilties. Meanwhile at the Soul Society Kisuke sends Hiyori as backup, but back at the camp site things go crazy and the squad members turn on each other. It ends with the 9th squad captain Kensei gets stabbed...!

Weekly Manga and anime update!

Naruto manga chapter 437: Onemanga.com/Naruto Descrtption: I thought this chapter was epic and it was a huge cliffhanger and it was also very sad but admiring at the same time so chexck it out! Picture: Bleach manga chapter 437: Onemanga.com/Bleach Description: Ichigo is going through hell battling Ulqiuorra can he manage to pull out a win and also what are Orihime's thoughts...? Picture: Naruto Shippuden anime episode 98: http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episode-98/ Description: Naruto and the others are close to having there final confrontation with Guren, also whats the deal with the three tails...? Bleach anime episode 208: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-208/ Description: Were getting closer to that incident that highlighted the whole Pendulum arc, but for right now its gathering suspence and its intresting! Thats it for your weekly anime and manga news stayed tuned for more blogs in the near future.

I have returned!(Not for long)

I know I have been gone for a while(Since December) and probably alot of you think I've moved on to another site and a bunch of other things. But I just want to let you guys know that the reason I havent been logging on was because I guess I dont really have the energy anymore to deal with Tv.com anymore I mean Narutos score dropped to a 8.9... Also I'm not sure when I'll be back for good but when I am I'll let you guys now. I have just been kinda busy lately with all sorts of things like School(Homework,and test) and with my social life (Friends). But I realize that in my absence I have not been checking blogs or responding to Pms and I'm sorry for being a lousy friend and I'll try to make it up some day... But enjoy these pictures...

Weekly News!

Well its time for the weekly announcements... Naruto Manga chapter 429: Onemanga.com/Naruto Description: This chapter was freaking awesome and yeah Konoha did get demolished  Naruto Shippuden episode 89: Watchanimenow.com/http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episode-89/#more-21604 Despcription: The episode was had great artowork, animation, and it was th begining to what seems like a good filler with some canon events in it. This episode had mostly canon events occur but next episode I'm sure will be 95% filler. Bleach manga chapter 339: Onemanga.com/Bleach Despcription: This chapter was good and seems like the start of many great battles as the captains and Espada get more serious.  Bleach episode 199: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-199/ Description: This episode was good and finished Mayuri VS Szyael Apporos battle which was great and showed a little of Zaraki and Noitra's fight in the begining. The opening them was interesting as well. Also sorry I was late I mean the Naruto chapter didnt come out till 12:00 also yesterday was a pretty busy day because it was the animversary of my brothers death four years ago... But dont let that get you down tell me something about your week. Please Comment!!!!


Wel I guess everyone has noticed that Tv.com has a new Layout which looks really simular to the one that Hulu.com has... Meh I guess it s ok but it needs COLOR, they need to alert us prior to when they do something so we can know what to expect. I'll get use to it more or less so guys what are your opinions about the new Layout better than the old one, no me its kinda plain... I came back and I log onto the site and when I saw the new layout I was like ''WTF''...lol Here some cool pictures btw...  Also did anyone know theres a new Naruto mvoe comming out in the Summer of O9 in Japan. Well heres a trailer looks interesting but also its quite ominous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtIUDAlS2XI But anyways Photobucket