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Weekly anime/manga upate (4)

Happy Friday! How was your day mines was great. But anyways sorry for not posting this earlier but at least I'm posting it so time for the Weekly anime/manga update! Naruto manga chapter 441: Onemanga.com/Naruto Desciption: This chapter was great I knew Naruto was going to worry about the villagers safety but I'm glad he was relieved of all troubles to fight Pain. I liked seeing Guy's team finally arrive and see whats been going down since they were last there. Also I'm so proud that Naruto is finally uses elaborate schemes to fight his battles his little plan to find Nagato was genius! It looks like Pain cant keep up with Naruto speed in Sage mode now that hes all tired out, Pain thought he could figure Naruto out but he couldnt and this time it'l cost him more that chakra! Next time its in color pages and is supposely the last chapter of this fight, its bound to be better and I cant wait. Ps: Glad Hinata will be safe and sound. Picture:  Bleach manga chapter 351: Onemanga.com/Bleach Description: This chapter waas great Ichigo in his new hollowfied state manage to rival Ulquiourra. He also managed to cause alot of destruction and Orihime is puzzled to see him like that what will she do to make him go normal again, will Ichigo continue to go on a rampage? Picture:  http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episodes-101-and-102/#more-31414 Naruto Shippuden episode 101 and 102: http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episodes-101-and-102/#more-31414 Description: This was a double episode and it was pretty good the first part was Naruto VS Guren although they only fought for like 4-5 minutes. The next parts show how they are regrouping and thinking of a stategy to seal the three tails and rescue Yuukimaru. The next episode is also a double episode so there wont be an episode next week the next episode show arrive on April 9th and it should be a great one as they battle for the three tails! Bleach episode 212: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-112/ Description: This week was the final episode of the Turn back the Pendulum arc andit was very good it showed Kisuke and the Kidou Master had to confront Aizen but he ended up getting away. Than they had to get back to the research lab to try and reverse the effects of the hollowfication. But Kisuke failed and then the two of them were taken to the Central 46 for questions and they stated that Kisuke was banished form Soul Society and will lose his powers and the Kido master would be sent in solitary confinement for using forbidden Kidou. Than Yoruichi shows up and teloports them back to her secret location(As well as the 8 who had been Hollowfied) where they plot there escape. Theres gonna be a filler next week which sucks cause I though they were going to go right to the action and thanks to these current episodes the manga has had time to speed away from the anime. Update: Today was a awesome day I scored good on my quizes and after school I walked up to the girl I had been crushing on and asked her for a hug and she hugged me without any hesitation. I thought I was ruining our friendship but I guess not. Also next anime/manga update will be a special one due to some things that you'll find out so bye bye! Also the Official Naruto site has just openened up a forum so come and join, my username there is Narutofan09. Also sign up for their contest to win some free goodies I'm hoping to win this weeks contest!