Eddy654 / Member

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Weekly Manga and anime update!

Naruto manga chapter 437: Onemanga.com/Naruto Descrtption: I thought this chapter was epic and it was a huge cliffhanger and it was also very sad but admiring at the same time so chexck it out! Picture: Bleach manga chapter 437: Onemanga.com/Bleach Description: Ichigo is going through hell battling Ulqiuorra can he manage to pull out a win and also what are Orihime's thoughts...? Picture: Naruto Shippuden anime episode 98: http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episode-98/ Description: Naruto and the others are close to having there final confrontation with Guren, also whats the deal with the three tails...? Bleach anime episode 208: http://www.animecrazy.net/bleach-episode-208/ Description: Were getting closer to that incident that highlighted the whole Pendulum arc, but for right now its gathering suspence and its intresting! Thats it for your weekly anime and manga news stayed tuned for more blogs in the near future.