no sht, its not like big companies gona admit they wrong, how they gona milk you then?
anyway, i have lots of ps2 games and my ps2, it would have been nice to have them working on ps4 without having to buy them again, just insert my disc and thats it, i could still hook up my ps2 but there is no point since i dont really really want to play those old games let alone pay 15$
they should just throw them in ps+ at least since the service is a clusterduck
all the indie flood makes me want to quit gaming
its not like im gona pay 15$ for a game i already own and besides the replay value is not that high now since we almost 2016 and those games aged badly
nostalgia lasts 5 minutes and they count on you to fall for it because face it, kids these days dont even know about those games and when they see them old games then puke is activated
this is insulting towards old gamers who already played or already own most of those games
its like: SONY---Hey you old loser fart, look its that game u loved when u was a kid and life was good, want the good old times back?
EddyG0RD0's comments