I was on Gamespot the other day, clicking the odd link, when I clicked on one of its sponsor links, which took me to this little gem, The Top 10 Worst Video Game Intro's Of All Time , which is a feature article writen on the site Games Radar. I recomend you check out some of their other feature articles as well, they're a pretty interesting read. Anyway, if you have time, this is definately well worth a watch. Some of the intros featured in here just have to be seen to be believed, and I don't honestly know what the hell the dev's were on implementing some of these into a game (morse code anyone?). The clips are genuinely funny, though obviously that wasn't the original intention, and the text written accompanying each game is humorous and good for a laugh.
Definately worth wasting an odd 20 minutes over, and if you can honestly say you watched through the entire last intro without skipping through it, you have the patience of a Saint.
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