Whoever was behind this new website, sorry that I am very straightforward, but he is idiot! I guess many users left gamespot and trying to find new website to get information. I am one of them.
Gamespot was previously for me NUMBER 1 website to get all information what I needed. Game news and most impirtant NEW GAMES release dates and info about them. it was nice and easy to click NEXT WEEK button and look next week games, or 2-3 months ahead. And there was all info what I needed, PEGi ratings, developers publishers, platforms, EVERYTHING what someone need. New website does not have anything at all - NICE JOB guys, you ruined your website and you are losing customers because of that.
And I noticed one funny thing more. They even does not want a FREE ad. Did you guys noticed that you cannot post any gamestop news on facebook anymore? When you post link, this new website does not give any info for facebook. Nice job guys!
If I will be owner I will fire this boss immediately who was behind new website! Good joob guys! Continue same way and you probably does not have in future any users at all! :)
Edragonxx's forum posts
Have someone already tried this game? What you think about it?
I bought it today and installed game to HDD and when I started game I got first shock that this game graphic is from year 2005 or even before that year. It's really bad you can't compare this game graphic with Skyrim graphics or with other new games. But this one thing. Another really disturbing thing is that dialogues sound is horrible and makes you CRY! Characters speaking with you like like .... like someone put metal bucket to head them. It's horrible!
Only good thing is good story! Anything else makes you vomit.
If you know your gamertag e-mail and password then YES!My last Xbox was stolen, I was wondering if I can use my gamertag and download all the games I purchased on the new xbox?
It work now . Thanks everybody . But dragon age 2 I cant dowload it . It say you already download . But I'm not . What to do ?Alessandro1001
Download again. You can download again and again and again every demo.. There is no limits!
And there is every house and cave is unique. And Dragons flying around over map, not sitting same place all the time.
Thank you god! At least mygamercard.net is dead.
Maybe all lazy people start working and thinking now, but i guess not they all just going to use raptr.com now. But anyway if you search info about xbox.com gamercard then you always find answers like go use mygamercard.net or something similar. Really? Why they all suggest it? Why not use right information from right source from xbox directly? Thats why I am very happy about mygamercard death!
And maybe they are going and FIX THIS FUSE signature now. 6 months later and it's still have wrong info and sitting in beta status!
Yes it is if you like fitness games.
There are at least dragons who flying around whole world. Not sitting in one place all the time. An game story and events is not static too anymore. You doing something and wholw the story changes!
Go and read OXM!
What means this W there? :)
Anyway you mentioned RPG games.. And from this list i suggest Divinity II
Until you are not living in Europe it's okey if you live in USA.
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