There is a counter on my Blogpage says an average 2-3 people come to this Blog every day. Probably for the Domo downloads. I just don't understand why can't anyone say any Thanks in a comment? Is it difficult?
I will put here my progress in my philosophical works to let myself have a sort of diary of it:
The final answers to the big questions
a.) The Analysis by the method of three ways.
b.) The ,,should be known by all believers,, mutual common sense as a foundation behind all of the Religions.
c.) How to apply a.) on b.) (Synthesis) or how to be a positive thinker as an Atheist.
e.) The explaining of the ,,dark gifts,,.
f.) Conclusions.
Hungarian progress: 80%
Translation to English: 0%
Translation works:
Ramsey Dukes - Sex Secrets Of The Black Magicians Exposed
This not really about the things mentioned in the title. It is just a joke by the author. This book is in the reality a very fascinating essay about the connection and relation between Art, Religion, Science and Magic and their ever going periodical changes to one from another.
Translation from English to Hungarian: 0%