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Retro Revival Week Day 5

For day 5, I played most of my games in the AM hours, before bed, which is oddly when I get the urge to play games most of the time. I started off with a little Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! My goal is to be able to finish the game without losing a single match, but the dude that keeps taking me down is...

...Mr. Sandman. He's like... Bald Bull on crack. I can't seem to find any of his weaknesses to collect stars, so I'm trying to take him out straight up and it's a pain because it seems Mr. Sandman can K.O. you faster than the other boxers (less knockdowns before you are unable to get yourself back up). I managed to get him I think 1 knockdown away from a TKO, when he became like.. Super Cheap Man and took me down a couple times right in a row and knocked me out. Grrr... I'll work on him some more during Day 6. I've beaten him before, like I said, I just need to do it again. Don't give me any help either, please. Then after that I decided to play some...

...Adventure Island. This game is quite hard, actually. It only takes one hit to kill you unless you're on the special skateboard power-up (which garners you a free hit that also removes the skateboard), and there are a lot of dangers. Farthest I've gotten is like the end of world 2 or whatever. Pretty frustrating, but I have confidence that I'll beat this game some day. After this I played...

...Little Nemo: The Dream Master. I've beaten it before a couple of times, as you may or may not have known, so my goal this time was trying to take on the nearly impossible task of beating the game without losing a single life (the game is quite challenging). I got to level 5 and... cheaply died as I would say. The game went off after that due to me failing my mission.

Other than this, I only played a small amount of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! later on in the day.

Keep a look out for day 6,
