The first I recieved because yesterday I went out and purchased the Doom 3 expansion, which I am playing through and really enjoying. I really prefer PC gaming to console gaming, just because it feels a lot more comfortable to me. There are a few games that I will buy for a console, play a bit, and realize that I would like the game more playing on the PC. I did it with Oblivian, and the amount of third-party modder support alone is enough to push me towards the PC.
I just recently discovered the tagging system, so lately when I read a news or something on the site, I'll slap a few keywords on the article. I guess I've tagged enough to earn myself an emblem, so there it is.
Now Playing: Well, as I said before I'm really enjoying the Doom 3 expansion. I finished that game wanting more, and i'm really enjoying hte new content. Another game I've been playing a lot is F.E.A.R. The single player experiance is awesome, (finished just last week) and the multiplayer is a solid addition.