@corkyhookahking I was talking about this game specifically. Zooming much farther out with a wide tactical view is a huge advantage, and you simply can't do this as well on a console. In some ways this game is very much like an RTS, and in this way it IS superior on the PC. Although I have to agree with you in a lot of cases it is a matter of personal preference. Personally I prefer the mouse+keyboard interface. I find you can't really get that kind of precision on a console controller. If you've got the cash for a gaming rig, chances are whatever you're playing is going to look the best on the rig...and if you don't like how it looks, you tweak until your hearts content. With that being said (to prevent people from labeling me a PC fanboy...), I honestly buy the majority of my games on my PS3 or the Xbox. Only when a game is a PC exclusive or offering a large advantage (like DA:O) will I buy it for the PC. What can I say, I like chilling on my couch playing games on a big screen...
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