Let's get things out in the open, Modern Warfare 3 was a failure. It may as well have been an expansion pack. A full priced expansion pack. Same engine, same predictable story and some slightly altered weaponry.
Modern Warfare 3 also disgraced gaming. Gaming shouldn't still be about: shoot man in face and move from point A to point B, experience scripted scene and dialogue ripped from 90's movies.
I realise, that if anyone is reading this, that I pissed of alot of dudebro console gamers. But that's the point, they aren't ready for change. They aren't ready for the full capacity of what gaming can do. The reason being is that they stick to multi-player like glue.
Which is why I'm excited to hear that Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is focusing on single player. Treyarch, it seems, is the new head honcho. After years of sitting back seat to Infinity Ward, Treyarch has the balls to change the face of CoD.
I'm especially excited to hear that Black Ops 2 will feature branching story lines, multiple approaches to levels and a focus on narrative.
In the end, these features define what gaming should be. In all of its glory. I hope that the next installment in Call of Duty will tip the tides of dudebro console gamers, with their beloved CoD going in an entirely different direction. This could lead to a new generation of games, a generation which values the choice the player.
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