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El-Monstruo Blog

Black Ops 2, the gamiest call of duty ever.

Let's get things out in the open, Modern Warfare 3 was a failure. It may as well have been an expansion pack. A full priced expansion pack. Same engine, same predictable story and some slightly altered weaponry.

Modern Warfare 3 also disgraced gaming. Gaming shouldn't still be about: shoot man in face and move from point A to point B, experience scripted scene and dialogue ripped from 90's movies.

I realise, that if anyone is reading this, that I pissed of alot of dudebro console gamers. But that's the point, they aren't ready for change. They aren't ready for the full capacity of what gaming can do. The reason being is that they stick to multi-player like glue.

Which is why I'm excited to hear that Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is focusing on single player. Treyarch, it seems, is the new head honcho. After years of sitting back seat to Infinity Ward, Treyarch has the balls to change the face of CoD.

I'm especially excited to hear that Black Ops 2 will feature branching story lines, multiple approaches to levels and a focus on narrative.

In the end, these features define what gaming should be. In all of its glory. I hope that the next installment in Call of Duty will tip the tides of dudebro console gamers, with their beloved CoD going in an entirely different direction. This could lead to a new generation of games, a generation which values the choice the player.

The most vulgar game in history... High School

Here is my opinion

GTA IV is G rated compared to high school. Well, almost completely. Take away the copious amounts of voilence then you end up with a Public High School. There's more swearing, dirty jokes and such that GTA is a walk in the park.

The message here is: Parents, if you send your kid to High School. GTA is fine.

What is with all these machineracists?

Machineracists (Yes I did just make up a word and I'm going to use it as much as I can until it sounds real). Some may be wondering what Machineracists are. They are the people who still aren't down with the whole idea of making movies in games. Now excuse me if I am wrong but, how does Machinima differ from any other form of cinema? A Machineracist would say: Because only nerdy guys watch it, or she/he might say: Because it isn't as good. What people need to understand is that traditional blockbusters are limited by funds where as Machinima is only limited by your imagination, sure there is the cost of the game, a recorder and a microphone, but I have all three of those things and it really only costs no more than $100. Also there is the FACT that traditional blockbusters have a deadline to release. Where as Machinima makers have the ability to love, care and breath life into their movie and not produce another standard action or comedy. Machineracists still do not understand that there is a revolution happening, the online media revolution, such as mods, machinima, indie music. The fact is, I would rather go out and see this in a cinema Instead of seeing this which is basically another Battlefield: LA except on water Now don't get me wrong, I don't wan't everything to be a machinima, but I do say. VIVA LA ONLINE REVOLUTION

Screw Vampires

Hello, this is my first post, so yeah, enjoy. BUT not to much. First off. SCREW VAMPIRES. Secondly. SCREW VAMPIRE IN ANY MEDIUM Thirdly. SCREW FANTASY IN ANY MEDIUM Lastly. SCREW VAMPIRIC SHEET GHOSTS. (inside joke, sorry, try urban dictionary I think I may have uploaded it) Hi, sorry, but I just had to get that out, especially the vampiric sheet ghost thing, I can't really sleep while knowing that. Hello and welcome to my first blog post. Keeping with the theme, SCREW TWILIGHT, I mean vampires were alright. Lost Boys was a good vamp flick, but of late, Twilight has ruined vampires. I mean, vampires could never go into the sun without bursting into flames, also they would shrivel up and die if they didn't satisfy their blood lust. Then Stephanie Myer thought that making a homosexual vegetarian emo vampire that could sparkle like a flipping pixie when in sunlight. In any circumstance, she also ruined the fantasy genre. By making it popular. For those that didn't know, I'm a teenager, and when you walk into a bookstore and look at the young adult section. Guess what, VAMPIRE DIARIES, TWILIGHT, VAMPIRE ROMANCE, BLOOD-LUST the list goes on. That's why I find myself reading Matthew Rielly, and Tom Clancy. Because the once discreet and imaginiative genre is now plauged with vampire on human romance. No imagination required, just slap a lustfull vampire on the cover and bam, instant best seller. What happened to books that weaved a great story together with a detailed back story. That is why today, I find myself in front of a computer rather than words on a page. And IMO gaming is the best medium of storytelling.