Bored & list of games that rock
by ElBarto111393 on Comments
Currently bored... Halo 3 is fun, but... I don't know, just don't feel like playing it. Would buy Orange Box, but I spent all my gaming money on other games, hopefully I'll get it for Christmas. The game I'm really hyped for is Guitar Hero III. I played the demo from the OXM December issue, and even though there is only 5 songs on it, they're still really good songs! Then it's Call of Duty 4, which I honestly think will be the Halo killer, then Assassin's Creed, which is awesome, Army of Two (another Christmas hopefull), Mass Effect (which is gunna make peoples heads explode with awesomeness), Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (which I recently got in to), Rock Band (Christmas), then I think that's the end of the greatest year of gaming ever.