With everything else the Sony has done to make the PS3 launch a mess, it's really very little surprise to me. Although many people have already voiced a ho-hum attitude about playing older games on their PS3s, this looks pretty bad, however you feel. (For the record, I have PS3, plus Resistance, Ridge Racer 7 and MotorStorm, and I still spend easily twice as much time playing PS2 games.) Couple this with the stink Sony made about their "100% BC" and the comparative lack for 360, and it's just a marketing disaster. Unless that list of BC games contains most, if not all, of the most popular titles, it's going to really hurt their already flagging brand image. I don't think this will spell the end for Sony by any means, but it's certainly not winning over any new converts. While it's sensible to assume Sony is removing the Emotion engine to pave the way for a price drop, my gut tells me that this is the first move caused by the onset of panic due to being outsold horribly by both competitors, and Sony is attempting to shore up production costs to offset losses. Until they start to drop the serious, big-name titles, those PS3s (in Europe and everywhere else) are going to continue to move slowly.
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