So does this mean you can sell stuff for you have or get for in-game money that can be turned to Real World money? Or money I can use in the Playstation Store?
Each digital copy must be different because I've had no problems at all. Game runs flawlessly. I also have 36GB of free space on the PS3 still and I imagine that must help the hard drive work better, just like a PC.
I'd agree that the Gears of War series has been the closest thing to a next-gen Contra...obviously they'd have to come up something new, just to not be considered a rip-off, if they ever came around to doing it...I'd prefer a fresh take on LifeForce, which was an incredible game.
I still play the MP every other day, but the new map is too chaotic to have any real strategy approach and the 1v1 barely gives any XP & is more time consuming & less rewarding than doing the Match of Champions versus 3 other players. I sell both big time.
I side with the intellectual property on this issue. He drew a comprehensive map of a confusing subway system for a city to use. He should be proud about that and not for being plagiarized in a videogame. No matter how great the game is, his work in the REAL world used by millions of people every year is far greater than any one game 2 years from now will be eclipsed by the next great game. If you've ever created anything than it is clear to understand. - Architect -
@jgreene007 Honored is too big a word. This guy drew a comprehensive map of a confusing subway system for a city to use. He should be proud about that and not for being plagiarized in a videogame. No matter how great the game is, his work in the REAL world used by millions of people every year is far greater than any one game 2 years from now will be eclipsed by the next great game.
Naughty Dog can say all it wants, but the character looks and talks just like Ellen Page. Lawsuit coming up...never liked her casting on Inception, my only gripe of the movie.
El_Galant's comments